
2012 year

Культура и империализм. Э. В. Саид

Editor-in-chief: Ya. Slinin
Translator: A. Govorunov

Культура и империализм. Э. В. Саид

Санкт-Петербург., 2012, 736 p.

Церковная архитектура стран Закавказья VII века

Armen Kazaryan

Церковная архитектура стран Закавказья VII века

Москва, 2012, 692 p.

Церковная архитектура стран Закавказья VII века

Armen Kazaryan

Церковная архитектура стран Закавказья VII века

Москва, 2012, 640 p.

Церковная архитектура стран Закавказья VII века

Armen Kazaryan

Церковная архитектура стран Закавказья VII века

Москва, 2012, 388 p.

Проблемы археологии Кавказа

Еditor: Rauf Munchaev

Проблемы археологии Кавказа

Москва, 2012, 246 p.

Антропологические традиции: стили, стереотипы, парадигмы

Aleksej Elfimov
Editor: A. Dmitriev

Антропологические традиции: стили, стереотипы, парадигмы

Москва., 2012, 208 p.

Мифология. Карой Кереньи

Editor: A. Klimenko
Compilator: Nad` Ishtvan

Мифология. Карой Кереньи

Москва., 2012, 504 p.

Евразия в скифо-сарматское время

Еditor: Dmitrij Zhuravlyov

Евразия в скифо-сарматское время

Москва, 2012, 284 p.

Скифский парский курган Гайманова Могила

Vasilij Bidzilya

Скифский парский курган Гайманова Могила

Киев, 2012, 752 p.

Древняя бронзовая антропоморфная пластика Кавказа (XV в. до н.э.-X в. н.э.)

Ol`ga Brileva

Древняя бронзовая антропоморфная пластика Кавказа (XV в. до н.э.-X в. н.э.)

Москва, 2012, 424 p.

Языковеды, востоковеды, историки

Alpatov Vladimir

Языковеды, востоковеды, историки

Москва, 2012, 376 p.

Рождение кургана (Погребальные памятники энеолитического времени Предкавказья и Волго-Донского междуречья)

Evgenij Korenev

Рождение кургана (Погребальные памятники энеолитического времени Предкавказья и Волго-Донского междуречья)

Москва, 2012, 256 p.

Россияне и китайцы в эпоху перемен

Li Yuj, Lu Syao-ve`n`, Lyu Ve`n`-zhun, Pan Dave`j, Chzhu Yan`, Yuliya Epixina, Svetlana Klimova, Anna My`til`, Elena Nikolaevna, Ol`ga Nikolaevna, Mixail Cherny`sh, I Shherbakova, Natal`ya Yadova, Vladimir Yadov
: Pan Dave`j
: L Vaxitova
: A Eroxovoj
: Elena Nikolaevna
: Yu Xalfina
: Vladimir Yadov
Editor: Yu Xalfina

Россияне и китайцы в эпоху перемен

Москва, 2012, 429 p.

Научные и аналитические центры Китая: Справочник

Irina Komissina

Научные и аналитические центры Китая: Справочник

Москва., 2012, 266 p.

Записки о Западных странах(эпохи)
Великой Тан(Да Тан си юй цзи)

: Aleksandrova Natalia
: O Volkova
: V Marty`nyuk
: E Pronina
: E` E`rman
Еditor: V Vertogradova
Editor: O Mazhidova

Сюань-цзан Записки о Западных странах(эпохи) Великой Тан(Да Тан си юй цзи)

Москва, 2012

Тенденции, перспективы, прогнозы
развития стран Востока

Тенденции, перспективы, прогнозы развития стран Востока

2012, 211 p.

Большое руководство к этапам пути Мантры (

Chzhe Czonkapa
Editor: Andrej Terent`ev
Translator: A Kugyavichus

Большое руководство к этапам пути Мантры ("Нагрим Ченмо") в 3 т.

Санкт-Петербург, 2012, 536 p.

Украшение из постижений. Глава IV. Изучение пути махаяны в Гоман-дацане тибетского монастыря Дрэпун.

Translator: Raisa Krapivina
: Raisa Krapivina
: Raisa Krapivina

Украшение из постижений. Глава IV. Изучение пути махаяны в Гоман-дацане тибетского монастыря Дрэпун.

Санкт-Петербург, 2012, 736 p.

Зачем нам Далай-лама? Его

Robert Turman

Зачем нам Далай-лама? Его "деяние истины" в интересах Тибета, Китая и всего мира.

Москва, 2012, 311 p.

Патриарх Хонэн.

Take`yuki Tanaka

Патриарх Хонэн.

Токио, 2012, 120 p.

Юрий Рерих. Живое наследие. Материалы к биографии. Выпуск I: Сборник статей и интервью.

Editor-compilator: Vladimir Rosov

Юрий Рерих. Живое наследие. Материалы к биографии. Выпуск I: Сборник статей и интервью.

Москва, 2012, 224 p.

Тибет. Легенды и тайны страны снегов

Strelkov Andrei

Тибет. Легенды и тайны страны снегов

Улан-Удэ, 2012, 448 p.

Тибет и Центральная Азия. Т. II: Статьи. Дневники. Отчеты.

Yurij Rerix

Тибет и Центральная Азия. Т. II: Статьи. Дневники. Отчеты.

Москва, 2012, 280 p.

Светоч сердца: Светоч Махамудры. Средоточие смысла.

Czele Naczog Rangdrel

Светоч сердца: Светоч Махамудры. Средоточие смысла.

Москва, 2012, 176 p.

Orlova Keemia

"История захчинского буддийского монастыря" (предисловие, перевод, комментарии, факсимиле рукописи).

Москва, 2012, 202 p.

Иллюстрированная энциклопедия. Путеводитель по буддизму. 
Мировоззрение. История. Современность. Россия. Символы.

Leonteva Elena

Иллюстрированная энциклопедия. Путеводитель по буддизму. Мировоззрение. История. Современность. Россия. Символы.

Москва, 2012, 256 p.

Отношения учителя и ученика.

Lodre Txaje Kongtrul

Отношения учителя и ученика.

Москва, 2012, 320 p.

Луна сознания восходит в пустом пространстве.

Verxovny`j Dxarma-Master Kensan

Луна сознания восходит в пустом пространстве.

Москва, 2012, 186 p.

Практика Бодхисаттвы.

Karmapa XVII Trinle Txae Dordzhe

Практика Бодхисаттвы.

Москва, 2012, 160 p.

Индия-Тибет: текст и феномены культуры. Рериховские чтения 2006-2010 в Институте востоковедения.

Еditor: Viktoriya Vertogradova
Compilator: Viktoriya Vertogradova

Индия-Тибет: текст и феномены культуры. Рериховские чтения 2006-2010 в Институте востоковедения.

Москва, 2012, 328 p.

Дигамбарская философия от Умасвати до Немичандры. Историко-философские очерки.

Zheleznova Natalia

Дигамбарская философия от Умасвати до Немичандры. Историко-философские очерки.

Москва, 2012, 431 p.

Вселенная в одном атоме. Наука и духовность на служении миру.

Dalaj -lama

Вселенная в одном атоме. Наука и духовность на служении миру.

Элиста, 2012, 208 p.

Буддизм Ваджраяны в России: От конфликтов к взаимодействию

Еditor: Anatolij Alekssev-Apraksin

Буддизм Ваджраяны в России: От конфликтов к взаимодействию

Москва, 2012, 880 p.

Ось мировой политики XXI в. обострение борьбы за ресурсы в Азии и Африке

Editorial Board: Krupyanko Mikhail
Еditor: Khazanov Anatoliy
Editorial Board: Khazanov Anatoliy, Sharipov Ural
Executive secretary: Mileev Dmitry

Ось мировой политики XXI в. обострение борьбы за ресурсы в Азии и Африке

Москва, 2012, 480 p.

South-East Asia : Relevant Problems of Development.  Ideology, History, Culture, Policy, Economy

Editor-in-chief: Dmitry Mosyakov
Еditor: Maletin Nikolay
Editor-compilator: Levtonova Yulia, Murasheva Galina, Simonia Aida

South-East Asia : Relevant Problems of Development. Ideology, History, Culture, Policy, Economy

Москва, 2012, 333 p.

Mystical Dimensions of Islam. Transl.

Еditor: Prigarina Natalya
Translator: Prigarina Natalya

Mystical Dimensions of Islam. Transl.

Москва, 2012, 536 p.

Lahore : Topophilia of Space and Place

Suvorova Anna
Translator: Suvorova Anna

Lahore : Topophilia of Space and Place

New York , 2012, 230 p.

Myanmar : Transition to Market Economy (1988 – 2011)

Simonia Aida
Еditor: Bylinyak Stanislav

Myanmar : Transition to Market Economy (1988 – 2011)

Москва, 2012, 224 p.

Tajikistan Press about Post-Conflict Development in the Republic

General Editor: Naumkin Vitaly
Editor: Gorbunova Natalia
Compilator: Zvyagelskaya Irina

Tajikistan Press about Post-Conflict Development in the Republic

Москва, 2012, 312 p.

Orientalistica Iuvenile.  Collection of Scientific Articles by Young Researchers of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. IV

Editor-in-chief: Alpatov Vladimir
Compilator: Anikeeva Tatiana, Vasilyev Aleksandr

Orientalistica Iuvenile. Collection of Scientific Articles by Young Researchers of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. IV

Москва, 2012, 196 p.

Kondratieff Waves.  Dimensions and Prospects at the Dawn of the 21st Century.  Yearbook

Editor: Korotayev Andrey

Kondratieff Waves. Dimensions and Prospects at the Dawn of the 21st Century. Yearbook

Волгоград, 2012, 224 p.

“We Live Together, “the Young People” of Different Age...”.  Collection of Articles in Memory of Orientologist-Turkologist Academician  A.N. Samoilovich

Compilator: Vasilyev Aleksandr, Dmitriev Sergey

“We Live Together, “the Young People” of Different Age...”. Collection of Articles in Memory of Orientologist-Turkologist Academician A.N. Samoilovich

Москва, 2012, 136 p.

Medieval Indian Mindscapes: Space, Time, Society, Man

Vanina Eugenia

Medieval Indian Mindscapes: Space, Time, Society, Man

New Delhi , 2012, 336 p.

The Contemporary Middle East.  Collection of Atricles

Еditor: Marianna Arunova , Isaev Vladimir, Filonik Aleksandr

The Contemporary Middle East. Collection of Atricles

Москва, 2012, 236 p.

Эльгена Васильевна Молодякова. К 75-летию со дня рождения. Биобиблиографический указатель

Editor: Gennadij Bordyugov, Timonina Irina

Эльгена Васильевна Молодякова. К 75-летию со дня рождения. Биобиблиографический указатель

Москва, 2012, 120 p.

Islamic Space Bordering on the Caucasus and Central Asia

Еditor: Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav, Ul'chenko Nataliya

Islamic Space Bordering on the Caucasus and Central Asia

Москва, 2012, 552 p.

Prozhogina Svetlana

"Nouvelle identité" (La synthèse entre l

Москва, 2012, 404 p.

The History of the Zahchin Buddhist Monastery.  (Pref., Transl., Comment., Manuscript in Facsimile)

Orlova Keemia

The History of the Zahchin Buddhist Monastery. (Pref., Transl., Comment., Manuscript in Facsimile)

Москва, 2012, 202 p.

Arab Countries of West Asia and North Africa.  Proceedings of VII Conference.  Collection of Articles

Еditor: Seyranyan Bagrat

Arab Countries of West Asia and North Africa. Proceedings of VII Conference. Collection of Articles

Москва, 2012, 342 p.

Etymological Dictionary of Old Arabic (lexical stock of the selected preislamic poetic texts)

Belova Anna

Etymological Dictionary of Old Arabic (lexical stock of the selected preislamic poetic texts)

Москва, 2012, 284 p.

Japanese Railways from Westernization to Globalization

Igor` Avdakov
Еditor: Akimov Alexander

Japanese Railways from Westernization to Globalization

Москва, 2012, 172 p.

At Home, Abroad : Migrations of the Christians of Syria and Lebanon (the 2nd Half of 19th – 1st Half of 20th Centuries)

Sarabyev Alexey
Еditor: Naumkin Vitaly

At Home, Abroad : Migrations of the Christians of Syria and Lebanon (the 2nd Half of 19th – 1st Half of 20th Centuries)

Москва, 2012, 324 p.

Russia and Japan in Search of Amity (1905 – 1945).  Geopolitics.  Diplomacy.  People and Ideas.

Molodiakov Vassili

Russia and Japan in Search of Amity (1905 – 1945). Geopolitics. Diplomacy. People and Ideas.

Москва, 2012, 656 p.

Globalizatison of Japanese Manufacturing

Lebedeva Irina

Globalizatison of Japanese Manufacturing

Москва, 2012, 222 p.

Writers of the East –Nobel Laureats

Editor-in-chief: Uturgaury S.

Writers of the East –Nobel Laureats

Москва, 2012, 370 p.

Japanese-English-Russian Dictionary of Building Construction : About 17 000 Terms

Editor-compilator: Kostyrkin Alexander

Japanese-English-Russian Dictionary of Building Construction : About 17 000 Terms

Москва, 2012, 928 p.

Evolution : Aspects of Modern Evolutionism

Еditor: Korotayev Andrey

Evolution : Aspects of Modern Evolutionism

Москва, 2012, 288 p.

Kutuzov. His Life. His Battles. His Victories. Illustrated Biography

Vitalij Sheremet

Kutuzov. His Life. His Battles. His Victories. Illustrated Biography

Москва, 2012, 240 p.

Jewish Communities in the Ottoman Empire : Pages of History

Irma Fadeeva

Jewish Communities in the Ottoman Empire : Pages of History

Москва, 2012, 400 p.

Turkey Today : Economic Cooperation with South Caucasus and Central Asia

Elena Urazova

Turkey Today : Economic Cooperation with South Caucasus and Central Asia

Москва, 2012, 280 p.

The Light of the Sands

Translator: Prozhogina Svetlana

The Light of the Sands

Москва, 2012, 240 p.

The Persian Cossack Brigade : 1879 – 1921

Nugzar Ter-Oganov
Еditor: Mamedova Nina

The Persian Cossack Brigade : 1879 – 1921

Москва, 2012, 352 p.

Argvani : the World of Bygone Times (Historical Portrait of a Village Community in Mountain Dagestan)

Takhnaeva P.
Еditor: Bobrovnikov Vladimir

Argvani : the World of Bygone Times (Historical Portrait of a Village Community in Mountain Dagestan)

Москва, 2012, 485 p.

Notes on the Western Lands [Composed Under] the Great Tang (Dai Tang xi yu ji)

Еditor: Viktoriya Vertogradova
Translator: Aleksandrova Natalia
Preface: Aleksandrova Natalia

Notes on the Western Lands [Composed Under] the Great Tang (Dai Tang xi yu ji)

Москва, 2012, 463 p.

Oil and Gas Sector of the Economy of Independent Azerbaijan: Outcomes of Twenty Years

Sudyin Andrei
Еditor: Tomberg Igor

Oil and Gas Sector of the Economy of Independent Azerbaijan: Outcomes of Twenty Years

Москва, 2012, 144 p.

Turkic Poetics : Stages of Development : 8 – 20 Cent.

Turkic Poetics : Stages of Development : 8 – 20 Cent.

Москва, 2012, 200 p.

Cultural Tradition and Japanese Aesthetic Thought of XX Cent.  Philosophical Essayes

Skvortsova Elena

Cultural Tradition and Japanese Aesthetic Thought of XX Cent. Philosophical Essayes

Saarbrücken (Germany), 2012, 256 p.

Northern Caucasus : Views from Within.  Challenges and Problems of Socio-Political Development

Editor: Igor` Savin, Aleksandr Skakov

Northern Caucasus : Views from Within. Challenges and Problems of Socio-Political Development

Москва, 2012, 172 p.

Economic Liberalization and Macroeconomic Efficiency in Egypt, Jordan, and Tunisia

Еditor: Meliantsev Vitaly

Economic Liberalization and Macroeconomic Efficiency in Egypt, Jordan, and Tunisia

Москва, 2012, 240 p.

Modelling and Forecasting World Dynamics

Korotayev Andrey

Modelling and Forecasting World Dynamics

Москва, 2012, 360 p.

Russian-Israeli Relations : History and Present Day. Collection of Articles

Еditor: Karasova Tatiana
Editor: Maryasis Dmitriy

Russian-Israeli Relations : History and Present Day. Collection of Articles

Москва, 2012, 279 p.

Hafiz.  Ghazals in Philological Translation.  Part 1

Prigarina Natalya

Hafiz. Ghazals in Philological Translation. Part 1

Москва, 2012, 606 p.

Autumnal Maples.  Anthology of Korean Poetry of VIII – XIX Centuries in Russian Poetic Translations

General Editor: Kontsevich Lev
Compilator: Kontsevich Lev

Autumnal Maples. Anthology of Korean Poetry of VIII – XIX Centuries in Russian Poetic Translations

Санкт-Петербург, 2012, 352 p.

Society and State in China : XLII Scientific Conference. Vol. 3

Editor-in-chief: Kobzev Artem
Еditor: Kobzev Artem
Editor: Sergej Blyumxen
Compilator: Kobzev Artem

Society and State in China : XLII Scientific Conference. Vol. 3

Москва, 2012, 484 p.

Society and State in China : XLII Scientific Conference. Vol. 2

Editor-in-chief: Kobzev Artem
Еditor: Sergej Blyumxen
Compilator: Sergej Blyumxen

Society and State in China : XLII Scientific Conference. Vol. 2

Москва, 2012, 385 p.

Society and State in China : XLII Scientific Conference. Vol. 1

Editor-in-chief: Kobzev Artem
Еditor: Sergej Blyumxen
Compilator: Sergej Blyumxen

Society and State in China : XLII Scientific Conference. Vol. 1

Москва, 2012, 395 p.

Islands of the Archipelago of Socotra : Expeditions of 1974 – 2010

Naumkin Vitaly

Islands of the Archipelago of Socotra : Expeditions of 1974 – 2010

Москва, 2012, 528 p.

Anthropology of Violence and Culture of Self-Organisation. Essays on Evolutionary Historical Psychology. 3rd stereotype ed.

Nazaretian Akop

Anthropology of Violence and Culture of Self-Organisation. Essays on Evolutionary Historical Psychology. 3rd stereotype ed.

Москва, 2012, 256 p.

Materials on the History of Nomadic Peoples in China in 3 – 5 Cent. Issue 4.  Ti and Qiangs

Еditor: Dmitriev Sergey

Materials on the History of Nomadic Peoples in China in 3 – 5 Cent. Issue 4. Ti and Qiangs

Москва, 2012, 496 p.

Islamic Revolution.  Theory and Practice of Iran

Lukoyanov A.

Islamic Revolution. Theory and Practice of Iran

Saarbrücken (Germany) , 2012, 344 p.

Nationalism in Japan (Ideology and Policy)

Areshidze Liana, Krupyanko Mikhail

Nationalism in Japan (Ideology and Policy)

Москва, 2012, 408 p.

Roshiago no kyo:kasho.  A Textbook of the Russian Language

Anna Panina

Roshiago no kyo:kasho. A Textbook of the Russian Language

Токио , 2012, 158 p.

Vectors and Paradigms of Kyrgyz Independence (Essays of Post-Soviet History)

Aleksandr Knyazev

Vectors and Paradigms of Kyrgyz Independence (Essays of Post-Soviet History)

Бишкек, 2012, 420 p.

The Country of the Studied Language : History, Geography and Culture of Kazakhstan

Kadyrbaev Alexandr

The Country of the Studied Language : History, Geography and Culture of Kazakhstan

Москва, 2012, 348 p.

Caucasian Dictionary : Land and People.  Catalogue of Exhibition

Editor: Bobrovnikov Vladimir

Caucasian Dictionary : Land and People. Catalogue of Exhibition

Москва, 2012, 351 p.

History of the State of Israel

Zvyagelskaya Irina

History of the State of Israel

Москва, 2012, 359 p.

Sacred History of Koran : Pre-Islamic Antiquities

Efremova Natalya, Ibrahim T.

Sacred History of Koran : Pre-Islamic Antiquities

Москва ; Нижний Новгород , 2012, 568 p.

Overthrow of Muammar Qaddafi.  Libyan Diary (2011 – 2012)

Egorin Anatoly
Еditor: Egorin Anatoly
Compilator: Egorin Anatoly

Overthrow of Muammar Qaddafi. Libyan Diary (2011 – 2012)

Москва, 2012, 432 p.

The Jews in Russia.  Unknown Facts of the Well-known History

Editor: Lokshin Aleksandr
Compilator: Dolmatov Vladimir

The Jews in Russia. Unknown Facts of the Well-known History

Москва, 2012, 288 p.

Bibliography of Sultanate of Oman

Evdokimov Yuriy

Bibliography of Sultanate of Oman

Москва, 2012, 540 p.

Cycles, Crises, Modern World System Traps : Reserch of Kondratieff, Juglar and Secular Cycles, Global Crises, Malthusian and Post-Malthusian Traps

Korotayev Andrey

Cycles, Crises, Modern World System Traps : Reserch of Kondratieff, Juglar and Secular Cycles, Global Crises, Malthusian and Post-Malthusian Traps

Москва, 2012, 480 p.

Religious Factor in the History of the State of Israel.  The Role of Judaism

Gasratyan Svetlana

Religious Factor in the History of the State of Israel. The Role of Judaism

Москва, 2012, 542 p.

Newsletter of Oriental Society.  Supplement 7.  Gaziz Gubaidullin and Formation of Soviet Oriental Studies in 1920 – 1930 : Materials of the Conference.  Moscow, 2012

Compilator: Vasilyev Aleksandr, Vasilyev Dmitri, Kulpin-Gubaidullin Eduard

Newsletter of Oriental Society. Supplement 7. Gaziz Gubaidullin and Formation of Soviet Oriental Studies in 1920 – 1930 : Materials of the Conference. Moscow, 2012

Москва, 2012, 76 p.

Newsletter of Oriental Society.  Issue 20.  Kazan, 25 – 28 September 2012

Compilator: Alayev Leonid

Newsletter of Oriental Society. Issue 20. Kazan, 25 – 28 September 2012

Москва, 2012, 264 p.

Newsletter of Oriental Society.  Issue 18. To the VIIIth Congress of Russian Orientologists : Proceedings of the VIIth Congress

Compilator: Bababev Kirill, Vasilyev Dmitri, Meyer Mihail, Stolyarov Aleksandr

Newsletter of Oriental Society. Issue 18. To the VIIIth Congress of Russian Orientologists : Proceedings of the VIIth Congress

Москва, 2012, 312 p.

Goddess of Turkmenian Ethnography

Еditor: Naumkin Vitaly
Author-compilator: Kadyrov Shokhrat

Goddess of Turkmenian Ethnography

Москва, 2012, 255 p.

Regional Variants of Standard Arabic.  Study of Arabic Press Language of Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Egypt

Blinov Andrey

Regional Variants of Standard Arabic. Study of Arabic Press Language of Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Egypt

Saarbrücken (Germany) , 2012, 212 p.

Hill-People of the North Caucasus in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 – 1945 : Problems of History, Historiography and Source Studies

Bezugolny Alexey
Еditor: Aleksandr Skakov

Hill-People of the North Caucasus in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 – 1945 : Problems of History, Historiography and Source Studies

Москва, 2012, 479 p.

SCO and Afghanistan Problem

Marianna Arunova
General Editor: Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav

SCO and Afghanistan Problem

Москва, 2012, 198 p.

Ahn Junggeun – National Hero of Korea.  Essays, Documents, Materi-als

Author-compilator: Pak Bella
Compilator: Pak Bella

Ahn Junggeun – National Hero of Korea. Essays, Documents, Materi-als

Москва, 2012, 544 p.

Linguists, Orientalists, Historians

Alpatov Vladimir

Linguists, Orientalists, Historians

Москва, 2012, 376 p.

Civilizations in the XXI Century : Problems and Perspectives for Development

Akimov Alexander, Yakovlev Alexander

Civilizations in the XXI Century : Problems and Perspectives for Development

Москва, 2012, 248 p.

Dynamics of Global Inflation Pace: Regularities and Prognoses

Askar Akaev, Korotayev Andrey, Aleksej Fomin

Dynamics of Global Inflation Pace: Regularities and Prognoses

Москва, 2012, 32 p.

The Kurds: A Nation on the Way to Statehood

JamalJalalAbdulla Jamal Jalal

The Kurds: A Nation on the Way to Statehood

2012, 352 p.

The Yezidi Oral Tradition in Iraqi Kurdistan

Allison Christine

The Yezidi Oral Tradition in Iraqi Kurdistan

2012, 313 p.

The Future of Kurdistan: The Iraqi Dilemma

Yildiz Kerim

The Future of Kurdistan: The Iraqi Dilemma

2012, 176 p.

Иракские курды и национальное строительство

Yildiz Kerim

Иракские курды и национальное строительство

New York, 2012, 274 p.

Oil and gas in the disputed Kurdish territories

Zedalis Rex J.

Oil and gas in the disputed Kurdish territories

London & New York, 2012, 287 p.

Алмазная сутра, или Сутра о Совершенной мудрости, рассекающей [тьму невежества], как удар молнии Польза «Ваджраччхедика праджня парамита сутры»

: Androsov Valery

Алмазная сутра, или Сутра о Совершенной мудрости, рассекающей [тьму невежества], как удар молнии Польза «Ваджраччхедика праджня парамита сутры»

Элиста, 2012, 320 p.

The laws of the Great Ming Dynasty with the consolidated commentary and application regulations. Ch. 3.

Еditor: Stanislav Robert Kuchera
Translator: Nataliya Svistunova

The laws of the Great Ming Dynasty with the consolidated commentary and application regulations. Ch. 3.

Москва, 2012, 444 p.

History, Culture and Law in Ancient China.  Collected Works

Stanislav Robert Kuchera
Еditor: Anatolij Vyatkin

History, Culture and Law in Ancient China. Collected Works

Москва, 2012, 416 p.

Introduction to the history of world science and technology

Eremeev Vladimir

Introduction to the history of world science and technology

Москва, 2012, 303 p.

India – Tibet : Text and Cultural Phenomena : Roerich Readings 2006 – 2010 at the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS

Еditor: Viktoriya Vertogradova
Compilator: Viktoriya Vertogradova

India – Tibet : Text and Cultural Phenomena : Roerich Readings 2006 – 2010 at the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS

Москва, 2012, 328 p.

Japan 2012. Annual

Editor-in-chief: Molodyakova Elgena

Japan 2012. Annual

Москва, 2012, 450 p.

Berber Anthology.  Cultural Anthropology and Samples of Tuareg Folklore

Еditor: Prozhogina Svetlana
Compilator: Prozhogina Svetlana

Berber Anthology. Cultural Anthropology and Samples of Tuareg Folklore

Москва, 2012, 310 p.

Xuan-zang. Notes on the Western Lands [composed under] the Great Tang (Dai Tang xi yu ji)

Aleksandrova Natalia
Translator: Aleksandrova Natalia

Xuan-zang. Notes on the Western Lands [composed under] the Great Tang (Dai Tang xi yu ji)

Москва, 2012, 447 p.

Security as Value and Norm : Experience of Different Epochs and Cul-tures. (Proceedings of International Seminar, Suzdal (RF), 15 – 17 No-vember 2011)

Еditor: Panarin Sergey

Security as Value and Norm : Experience of Different Epochs and Cul-tures. (Proceedings of International Seminar, Suzdal (RF), 15 – 17 No-vember 2011)

Санкт-Петербург, 2012, 296 p.

Джехангир Дорри. Мой путь в иранистику. (Воспоминания)

Dzhexangir Dorri

Джехангир Дорри. Мой путь в иранистику. (Воспоминания)

Москва, 2012, 158 p.

Digambara Philosophy from Umāsvāti to Nemicandra.  Essays on the History and Philosophy

Zheleznova Natalia
Еditor: Viktoriya Vertogradova
Translator: Zheleznova Natalia

Digambara Philosophy from Umāsvāti to Nemicandra. Essays on the History and Philosophy

Москва, 2012, 431 p.

Turkey under the rule of The Justice And Development Party

Еditor: Ul'chenko Nataliya, Shlykov Pavel

Turkey under the rule of The Justice And Development Party

Москва, 2012, 238 p.

Mongol Studies in Russia.  Bulletin VI

Еditor: Grayvoronsky Vladimir
Compilator: Orlova Keemia

Mongol Studies in Russia. Bulletin VI

Москва, 2012, 282 p.

Lazarevskiye Chteniya. Issue I

Еditor: Zhigalina Olga

Lazarevskiye Chteniya. Issue I

Москва, 2012, 256 p.

Hindi from the standpoint of the Russian Language (Modern Hindi compared with Russian)

Liperovsky Vladimir

Hindi from the standpoint of the Russian Language (Modern Hindi compared with Russian)

Москва, 2012, 376 p.

Middle East, Arab Revival and Russia.  What Comes Next?

Еditor: Kuznetsov Vasily, Naumkin Vitaly, Veniamin Popov

Middle East, Arab Revival and Russia. What Comes Next?

Москва, 2012, 595 p.

Policy of China in South-East Asia : from the Past to the Present

Dmitry Mosyakov

Policy of China in South-East Asia : from the Past to the Present

Москва, 2012, 220 p.

Post-Colonial Conflicts in the Countries of Oceania

Pale Sofia
Еditor: Nikolaev Valery

Post-Colonial Conflicts in the Countries of Oceania

Москва, 2012, 180 p.

The Kurds in the West Asia (XX - beginning of XXI-th century)

Еditor: Zhigalina Olga

The Kurds in the West Asia (XX - beginning of XXI-th century)

Москва, 2012, 212 p.

Мьянма. Переход к рыночной экономике (1988-2011)

Simonia Aida

Мьянма. Переход к рыночной экономике (1988-2011)

Москва, 2012, 224 p.

Eastern Countries : Socio-Political, Socio-Economic, Ethno confessional and Sociocultural Problems in the Context of Globalization.  To the Memory of A.M. Petrov

Еditor: Bibikova Olga, Tsvetkova Nina
Editor-compilator: Bibikova Olga, Tsvetkova Nina

Eastern Countries : Socio-Political, Socio-Economic, Ethno confessional and Sociocultural Problems in the Context of Globalization. To the Memory of A.M. Petrov

Москва, 2012, 282 p.

Персидская казачья бригада 1879–1921 гг

Nugzar Ter-Oganov
Еditor: Mamedova Nina

Персидская казачья бригада 1879–1921 гг

Москва, 2012, 352 p.

Egypt : From Nasser to October War.  The Archives of Ambassador

Vladimir Vinogradov

Egypt : From Nasser to October War. The Archives of Ambassador

Москва, 2012, 216 p.

Диалог цивилизаций. Россия и мусульманский мир

Fazelianov Envarbik

Диалог цивилизаций. Россия и мусульманский мир

Москва, 2012, 354 p.

Russian Language in Post-Soviet World : Going Away and Return? Experience of Mongolia.  Materials of International Research and Practice Conference, Ulaanbaatar, 15 – 16 September 2010

Еditor: Panarin Sergey
Compilator: Panarin Sergey

Russian Language in Post-Soviet World : Going Away and Return? Experience of Mongolia. Materials of International Research and Practice Conference, Ulaanbaatar, 15 – 16 September 2010

Москва, 2012, 206 p.

The Japanese in Real and Virtual Spaces : An Overview of Modern Japanese Culture

Katasonova Elena

The Japanese in Real and Virtual Spaces : An Overview of Modern Japanese Culture

Москва, 2012, 360 p.

Экологические проблемы стран Азии и Африки

Editor: Streltsov Dmitry

Экологические проблемы стран Азии и Африки

Москва, 2012, 271 p.

Shinto : The Memory of Culture and Living Faith

Editor: Molodyakova Elgena

Shinto : The Memory of Culture and Living Faith

Москва, 2012, 236 p.

Death in Maharashtra. Imagination, Perception and Expression

Еditor: Glushkova Irina

Death in Maharashtra. Imagination, Perception and Expression

Москва, 2012, 832 p.

Sanctions and their impact on Iran

Еditor: Mamedova Nina

Sanctions and their impact on Iran

Москва, 2012, 138 p.

Япония как

Streltsov Dmitry

Япония как "зеленая сверхдержава".

Москва, 2012, 212 p.

Afghanistan and Pakistan: current state and perspectives of development

Еditor: Marianna Arunova

Afghanistan and Pakistan: current state and perspectives of development

Москва, 2012, 228 p.

Withdrawal of International Coalition Troops from Afghanistan and Central Asia // Otsenki i Idei.  Newsletter of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. Vol. 1, № 2, August 2012

Dina Maly`sheva

Withdrawal of International Coalition Troops from Afghanistan and Central Asia // Otsenki i Idei. Newsletter of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. Vol. 1, № 2, August 2012

Москва, 2012, 8 p.

New Research in Archaeology and Epigraphy of South Arabia and its Neighbors.  Proceedings of the “Rencontres sabéennes 15” Held in Moscow, May 25th – 27th, 2011.

Editor: Sedov Alexander
Preface: Sedov Alexander

New Research in Archaeology and Epigraphy of South Arabia and its Neighbors. Proceedings of the “Rencontres sabéennes 15” Held in Moscow, May 25th – 27th, 2011.

Москва, 2012, 416 p.

Russia Between West and East = Ruś między Zachodem i Wschodem

Kulpin-Gubaidullin Eduard
Editor: Pietkiewicz Krzysztof
Translator: Wojtkowiak Jakub

Russia Between West and East = Ruś między Zachodem i Wschodem

Москва, 2012, 282 p.

The Red Sea Region in Antiquity

Еditor: Kormysheva Eleonora

The Red Sea Region in Antiquity

Москва, 2012, 484 p.

Giza. Eastern Necropolis II. The Minor Cemetery to the East from the Tomb G 7948

Vetokhov Sergey, Kormysheva Eleonora, Malykh Svetlana

Giza. Eastern Necropolis II. The Minor Cemetery to the East from the Tomb G 7948

Москва, 2012, 352 p.

Political History and Political Organization of Indonesia in Early Middle Ages (the 5th – Early 10th Centuries)

Zakharov Anton
Еditor: Tiurin Vladimir

Political History and Political Organization of Indonesia in Early Middle Ages (the 5th – Early 10th Centuries)

Москва, 2012, 202 p.

Malay World in Malay Chronicles (XIII – XIX cc.). Seafaring, Trade, Shariat

Tat`yana Denisova
Еditor: Elena Davidovich

Malay World in Malay Chronicles (XIII – XIX cc.). Seafaring, Trade, Shariat

Москва, 2012, 264 p.

Japan: The economy and society in the ocean of problems

General Editor: Streltsov Dmitry
Еditor: Streltsov Dmitry

Japan: The economy and society in the ocean of problems

Москва, 2012, 206 p.

Japan: The 11th of Marсh, 2011 Events. Results And Lessons

General Editor: Molodyakova Elgena
Еditor: Seda Markar`yancz (Markar`yan), Molodyakova Elgena

Japan: The 11th of Marсh, 2011 Events. Results And Lessons

Москва, 2012, 224 p.

Religious Ritual and Chinese Theatre

Andreevna Svetlana

Religious Ritual and Chinese Theatre

Москва, 2012, 158 p.