
2016 year

Oriental Epigraphy. Issue 32

Editorial Board: Vasilyev Dmitri, Kormysheva Eleonora, Korotayev Andrey, Naumkin Vitaly, Stolyarov Aleksandr
Compilator: Vasilyev Dmitri, Kormysheva Eleonora
Executive secretary: Volovich Anna

Oriental Epigraphy. Issue 32

Москва, 2016, 256 p.

Раннесредневековые древности лесной зоны Восточной Европы (V-VII вв.)

Еditor: Andrej Oblomskij

Раннесредневековые древности лесной зоны Восточной Европы (V-VII вв.)

Москва, 2016, 456 p.

Ways, Directions and Levels of Reconstruction of Cultural-Historical Reality : Materials of the International Scientific Conference.  Dedicated to the Memory of Edwin Arvidovich Grantovsky and Dmitry Sergeyevich Rayevsky. 30 November – 1 Desember 2015. Issue VII.

Еditor: Kolganova Galina

Ways, Directions and Levels of Reconstruction of Cultural-Historical Reality : Materials of the International Scientific Conference. Dedicated to the Memory of Edwin Arvidovich Grantovsky and Dmitry Sergeyevich Rayevsky. 30 November – 1 Desember 2015. Issue VII.

Москва, 2016, 288 p.

Выпуск 4, 2016


2016, 77 p.

Выпуск 3, 2016


2016, 97 p.


Еditor: Kananchev Zurab
Editor: Anikeeva Tatiana, Blinov Andrey, Vasilyev Aleksandr, Zaitsev Ilya, Kadyrbaev Alexandr, Kananchev Zurab, Timokhin Dmitry


Москва, 2016, 212 p.

Issue 2, 2016


2016, 101 p.

Выпуск 1, 2016


2016, 113 p.

История Ливана. ХХ век

Landa Robert

История Ливана. ХХ век

Москва, 2016, 276 p.

Ars Islamica

Editor-compilator: Alikberov Alikber, Piotrovsky Mikhail

Ars Islamica

Москва, 2016, 871 p.

Монгольская цивилизация. История и современность.

Zhelezniakov Aleksandr

Монгольская цивилизация. История и современность.

Москва, 2016, 288 p.

Великие цивилизации Междуречья. Древняя Месопотамия: царства Шумер, Аккад, Вавилония и Ассирия. 2700 - 100 гг. до н. э. Жорж Ру

Еditor: L. Glebovskaya

Великие цивилизации Междуречья. Древняя Месопотамия: царства Шумер, Аккад, Вавилония и Ассирия. 2700 - 100 гг. до н. э. Жорж Ру

Москва., 2016, 446 p.

Хорезм история открытий и исследований по материалам архива хорезмской экспедиции

Irina Arzhanczeva

Хорезм история открытий и исследований по материалам архива хорезмской экспедиции

Ульяновск, 2016, 288 p.

Россия как археологическое пространство

Еditor: N. Makarov
Compilator: A. Voroshilov, G. Korol`

Россия как археологическое пространство

Москва., 2016, 152 p.

Кубанский могильник

Sergej Val`chak

Кубанский могильник

Москва, 2016, 208 p.

Рождение и развитие ислама и мусульманской империи (VII - VIII вв.)

Oleg Bol`shakov

Рождение и развитие ислама и мусульманской империи (VII - VIII вв.)

Москва., 2016, 672 p.

Формирование исламского искусства. Олег Грабар

Editor-in-chief: Tat`yana Starodub

Формирование исламского искусства. Олег Грабар

Москва., 2016, 448 p.

Японская разведка против СССР

Kirichenko Aleksey
: A Aleksandrov
: I Alferova
: D Grushin
: I Levchenko

Японская разведка против СССР

Москва, 2016

Монгольские народы: исторический опыт трансформации кочевых сообществ Азии (коллективная монография).

General Editor: Bazarov Boris
Editor: Leonid Kuras
Еditor: Bazarov Boris

Монгольские народы: исторический опыт трансформации кочевых сообществ Азии (коллективная монография).

Иркутск, 2016, 624 p.

Кто так знает... Памяти Владимира Николаевича Романова.

Editor: Il`ya Smirnov

Кто так знает... Памяти Владимира Николаевича Романова.

Москва, 2016, 460 p.

Способы, направления и уровни реконструкции культурно-исторической реальности

Еditor: Kolganova Galina

Способы, направления и уровни реконструкции культурно-исторической реальности

Москва, 2016, 288 p.

Золотой лебедь в бурных водах. Необыкновенная жизнь Десятого Кармапы.

Shamar Rinpoche

Золотой лебедь в бурных водах. Необыкновенная жизнь Десятого Кармапы.

Москва, 2016, 420 p.

Наставник созерцания Догэн: жизнь и сочинения. Вместилище истинного Закона.

Babkova Maya

Наставник созерцания Догэн: жизнь и сочинения. Вместилище истинного Закона.

Москва, 2016, 404 p.

Вайшнавская традиция в социокультурном контексте современной России.

Sergej Ivanenko

Вайшнавская традиция в социокультурном контексте современной России.

Москва, 2016, 560 p.

Вайшнавизм: открытый форум

Editor-in-chief: Sergej Zuev

Вайшнавизм: открытый форум

Москва, 2016, 176 p.

Бхагавад-гита как она есть

Svami Bxaktivedanta

Бхагавад-гита как она есть

2016, 976 p.

Бхагавад-гита в традиции бенгальского вайшнавизма

: Radxa Blinderman

Бхагавад-гита в традиции бенгальского вайшнавизма

Москва, 2016, 680 p.

Теократическая государственность и буддийская церковь Монголии в начале XX в.

Kuzmin Sergius
Еditor: Grayvoronsky Vladimir

Теократическая государственность и буддийская церковь Монголии в начале XX в.

Москва, 2016, 496 p.

Конфронтация между Западом и Россией: с кем вы, страны Азии и Африки?

Еditor: Khazanov Anatoliy
Editorial Board: Khazanov Anatoliy, Sharipov Ural
Executive secretary: Mileev Dmitry

Конфронтация между Западом и Россией: с кем вы, страны Азии и Африки?

Москва, 2016, 216 p.

Актуальные проблемы современных международных отношений в Азии И Африке. 2015

Еditor: Krupyanko Mikhail
Editorial Board: Khazanov Anatoliy, Sharipov Ural
Executive secretary: Mileev Dmitry

Актуальные проблемы современных международных отношений в Азии И Африке. 2015

Москва, 2016, 152 p.

Наставник созерцания Догэн: жизнь и сочинения: Вместилище сути истинного Закона/Новые исследования по японской культуре. Кн. 3

Babkova Maya

Наставник созерцания Догэн: жизнь и сочинения: Вместилище сути истинного Закона/Новые исследования по японской культуре. Кн. 3

Москва, 2016, 404 p.

Ближний Восток, Индия и Китай в глобализационных процессах.

Grinin Leonid, Korotayev Andrey

Ближний Восток, Индия и Китай в глобализационных процессах.

Москва, 2016, 496 p.

Экономика Афганистана (производственная инфраструктура)

Okimbekov Ubaid
Еditor: Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav

Экономика Афганистана (производственная инфраструктура)

Москва, 2016, 447 p.

Arabs in Wheels of Modernization

Levin Zalman

Arabs in Wheels of Modernization

Москва, 2016, 146 p.

BRICS : the Primary Economic Sector in the World Economy of the XXI Century

Rastyannikova Elizaveta
Еditor: Akimov Alexander

BRICS : the Primary Economic Sector in the World Economy of the XXI Century

Москва, 2016, 272 p.

Oriental Studies 2016.  Languages of South and South-East Asia : Abstracts of the Conference Papers.  Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, 26 October 2016.

Editor: Zoya Shalyapina
Compilator: Anna Panina

Oriental Studies 2016. Languages of South and South-East Asia : Abstracts of the Conference Papers. Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, 26 October 2016.

Москва, 2016, 43 p.

Etymologic Dictionary of Ancient Arabic (Based on the Material of Selected Texts of Pre-Islamic Poetry).  Issue III : [q] – [y].

Belova Anna

Etymologic Dictionary of Ancient Arabic (Based on the Material of Selected Texts of Pre-Islamic Poetry). Issue III : [q] – [y].

Москва, 2016, 247 p.

South-East Asia : Relevant Problems of Development.  Ideology, History, Culture, Policy, Economy.  Issues XXXII – XXXIII (SEA 2015 – 2016)

Editor-in-chief: Dmitry Mosyakov
Editor: Astafieva Ekaterina

South-East Asia : Relevant Problems of Development. Ideology, History, Culture, Policy, Economy. Issues XXXII – XXXIII (SEA 2015 – 2016)

Москва, 2016, 230 p.

The Monuments of Kangurttut in South-Western Tajikistan (Neolitic and Bronze Ages)

Vinogradova N., Ranov V., Filimonova T.

The Monuments of Kangurttut in South-Western Tajikistan (Neolitic and Bronze Ages)

Душанбе, 2016, 334 p.

Visual Folklore. Poetics of Scythian Animal Style

Kullanda Sergey, Pogrebova M., Raevskiy D.

Visual Folklore. Poetics of Scythian Animal Style

Москва, 2016, 191 p.

South-East Asia : Relevant Problems of Development. Ideology, History, Culture, Policy, Economy.  Issues XXX – XXXI (SEA 2015 – 2016)

Editor-in-chief: Dmitry Mosyakov
Editor: Astafieva Ekaterina

South-East Asia : Relevant Problems of Development. Ideology, History, Culture, Policy, Economy. Issues XXX – XXXI (SEA 2015 – 2016)

Москва, 2016, 228 p.

Economic, Social, Political, Ethno-Confessional Problems of Afro-Asian Countries : in Memory of L.F. Pakhomova

Еditor: Bibikova Olga, Tsvetkova Nina

Economic, Social, Political, Ethno-Confessional Problems of Afro-Asian Countries : in Memory of L.F. Pakhomova

Москва, 2016, 332 p.

Jin Ping Mei, or The Plum in the Golden Vase: in 4 Vol. : Vol. 4, Books 1, 2

Еditor: Kobzev Artem

Jin Ping Mei, or The Plum in the Golden Vase: in 4 Vol. : Vol. 4, Books 1, 2

Иркутск, Москва, 2016, 660 p.

Abkhazia in World History and International Ralations. In Memory of Vladislav Grigor’evich Ardzinba. To the 70 th Anniversary of his Birth. Proceedings of the International Scientific Corference (Sukhum, May 14 – 17, 2015)

Еditor: Aleksandr Skakov

Abkhazia in World History and International Ralations. In Memory of Vladislav Grigor’evich Ardzinba. To the 70 th Anniversary of his Birth. Proceedings of the International Scientific Corference (Sukhum, May 14 – 17, 2015)

Москва; Сухум, 2016, 736 p.

Декларация Бальфура в контексте англо-сионистской дипломатии в период Первой мировой войны

Lyudmila Samarskaya
Еditor: Zvyagelskaya Irina

Декларация Бальфура в контексте англо-сионистской дипломатии в период Первой мировой войны

Москва, 2016, 84 p.

Islamophobia: From Confrontation to Cooperation, the Task Ahead

İhsanoğly Ekmeleddin
Translator: I. Polyanicheva

Islamophobia: From Confrontation to Cooperation, the Task Ahead

Москва, 2016, 367 p.

Arabic Elegy. 10 Cent.  Al-Mutanabbi. Introduct., transl. from Arabic, comment

Onaeva D.
Еditor: Mikulsky Dmitry
: Prigarina Natalya

Arabic Elegy. 10 Cent. Al-Mutanabbi. Introduct., transl. from Arabic, comment

Москва, 2016, 240 p.

History of Jordan.  XX Century

Landa Robert

History of Jordan. XX Century

Москва, 2016, 248 p.

Chadic Etymological Dictionary

Stolbova Olga

Chadic Etymological Dictionary

Москва, 2016, 416 p.

Eastern Analytics. Issue 1, 2015

Еditor: Akimov Alexander

Eastern Analytics. Issue 1, 2015

Москва, 2016, 94 p.

История религий : в 2-х томах

Vasilyev L.

История религий : в 2-х томах

Москва, 2016, 432 p.

История религий : в 2-х томах

Vasilyev L.

История религий : в 2-х томах

Москва, 2016, 368 p.

Wars in the Greater Middle East. 1960s – 2016 : Monograph

Olimpiev Anatoliy, Khazanov Anatoliy

Wars in the Greater Middle East. 1960s – 2016 : Monograph

Москва, 2016, 431 p.

Notes of the Old Orientalist (Swan Song)

Khazanov Anatoliy

Notes of the Old Orientalist (Swan Song)

Москва, 2016, 88 p.

Russia – Mongolia : History, Challenges of the 21st Century, Prospects

Editorial Board: Grayvoronsky Vladimir, Zhelezniakov Aleksandr, Orlova Keemia, Khishigt Norovsambuu, Chuluun Sampildonov

Russia – Mongolia : History, Challenges of the 21st Century, Prospects

Москва, 2016, 92 p.

Soviet Union and North Korea, 1945 – 1948

Yurij Vanin
Еditor: Aleksandr Voronczov

Soviet Union and North Korea, 1945 – 1948

Москва, 2016, 225 p.


Solntseva N.V., Solntsev V.M.
Еditor: Kozha Ksenia
Editor: Lesko Oksana


Москва, 2016, 164 p.

The Fading Golden Age of Japanese Poetry

Dolin Alexander

The Fading Golden Age of Japanese Poetry

Akita, 2016, 497 p.

The Art of Trading in Japanese-style : the Pursuit is not for Profit, but for the Hearts of Buyers.  (Amazing Japan).

Areshidze Liana, Krupyanko Ivan, Krupyanko Mikhail

The Art of Trading in Japanese-style : the Pursuit is not for Profit, but for the Hearts of Buyers. (Amazing Japan).

Москва, 2016, 280 p.

Indian Cotton and British Involvement. Materiality of Colonial Politics

Sidorova Svetlana

Indian Cotton and British Involvement. Materiality of Colonial Politics

Москва, С-Петербург, 2016, 352 p.

История отечественного японоведения в портретах

Editor-compilator: Nelli Leshhenko

История отечественного японоведения в портретах

Москва, 2016, 295 p.

Rite of Honour

Buckley Alison

Rite of Honour

2016, 296 p.

As Strong as the Mountains: A Kurdish Cultural Journey

Brenneman Robert L.

As Strong as the Mountains: A Kurdish Cultural Journey

2016, 187 p.

Yezidis in Syria: Identity Building among a Double Minority

Maisel Sebastian

Yezidis in Syria: Identity Building among a Double Minority

2016, 204 p.

A people without a State

Eppel Michael

A people without a State

2016, 175 p.

Road Unforeseen: Women Fight the Islamic State

Tax Meredith

Road Unforeseen: Women Fight the Islamic State

2016, 336 p.

The Study of Islam in the West

Al-Viry Al-Viri
Translator: Norik Boris

The Study of Islam in the West

Москва, 2016, 324 p.

History of Iraq. 20th Century

Stepanova Nadezhda

History of Iraq. 20th Century

Москва, 2016, 663 p.

Topics in General and Oriental Linguistics 2015.  Language.  Society.  History of Science.  70th Anniversary Festschrift in Honor of the RAS Corresponding Member V.M. Alpatov. Conference Proceedings.  Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, 22-23 April 2015 : in 2 Vol. : Vol. 2.

Еditor: Zoya Shalyapina
Compilator: Zverev Alexey, Anna Panina

Topics in General and Oriental Linguistics 2015. Language. Society. History of Science. 70th Anniversary Festschrift in Honor of the RAS Corresponding Member V.M. Alpatov. Conference Proceedings. Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, 22-23 April 2015 : in 2 Vol. : Vol. 2.

Москва, 2016, 216 p.

Topics in General and Oriental Linguistics 2015.  Language.  Society.  History of Science.  70th Anniversary Festschrift in Honor of the RAS Corresponding Member V.M. Alpatov. Conference Proceedings.  Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, 22-23 April 2015 : in 2 Vol. : Vol. 1.

Еditor: Zoya Shalyapina
Compilator: Zverev Alexey, Anna Panina

Topics in General and Oriental Linguistics 2015. Language. Society. History of Science. 70th Anniversary Festschrift in Honor of the RAS Corresponding Member V.M. Alpatov. Conference Proceedings. Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, 22-23 April 2015 : in 2 Vol. : Vol. 1.

Москва, 2016, 232 p.

37-я межинститутская научная конференция «Южнотихоокеанский регион в прошлом и настоящем:  история, экономика, политика, культура». Тезисы и доклады

Akimov Alexander, Antoshin Alexei, Astafieva Ekaterina, Vladimirova Alina, Yurij Latushko, Aleksandr Massov, Mosolova Olga, Rudnikova Elena, Skorobogatykh Natalia, Sokolov Anatoly
Editor-compilator: Panarina Daria

37-я межинститутская научная конференция «Южнотихоокеанский регион в прошлом и настоящем: история, экономика, политика, культура». Тезисы и доклады

Москва, 2016, 74 p.

Япония в системе международных отношений в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе

Marinin Alexey

Япония в системе международных отношений в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе

Москва, 2016

Underwater-archaeological Research in the South-Eastern Crimea in 2015. Sudak Archaeological Expedition

Zelenko S., Kuzminov V., Lebedinski Victor, Morozova Y., Novitskaia R., Pronina Yulia, Tsarenko S.

Underwater-archaeological Research in the South-Eastern Crimea in 2015. Sudak Archaeological Expedition

Феодосия, 2016, 248 p.

Underwater-archaeological Research in the South-Eastern Crimea in 2014. Sudak Archaeological Expedition

Zelenko S., Kuzminov V., Lebedinski Victor, Morozova Y., Novitskaia R., Pronina Yulia, Tsarenko S.

Underwater-archaeological Research in the South-Eastern Crimea in 2014. Sudak Archaeological Expedition

Феодосия, 2016, 172 p.

Society and State in China. Vol. XLVI, Part 2.

Editor-in-chief: Kobzev Artem
Еditor: Kobzev Artem
Editor: Sergej Blyumxen
Compilator: Kobzev Artem

Society and State in China. Vol. XLVI, Part 2.

Москва, 2016, 641 p.

The Yezidis and their religion

Amoev Kerim

The Yezidis and their religion

Тбилиси, 2016, 256 p.

“The Sick Person” in the Epoch of Wars and Revolutions.  The Emage of Turkey in the Russian Magazine Satire, 1908 – 1918

Filippova Tatiana

“The Sick Person” in the Epoch of Wars and Revolutions. The Emage of Turkey in the Russian Magazine Satire, 1908 – 1918

Москва, 2016, 304 p.

Russian Geopolitical chance: the transport system in the format of the Russia-China-Central Asia

Aristova Lyudmila, Semenova Nelli

Russian Geopolitical chance: the transport system in the format of the Russia-China-Central Asia

Москва, 2016, 93 p.

Tuhfat al-Nafis (the Precious Gift). The Heritage of Malay Muslim Historiography of Johor

Еditor: Mikulsky Dmitry

Tuhfat al-Nafis (the Precious Gift). The Heritage of Malay Muslim Historiography of Johor

Москва, 2016, 628 p.

Modern and Contemporary History. Modernization and Globalization of Eastern Societies

Dmitry Mosyakov

Modern and Contemporary History. Modernization and Globalization of Eastern Societies

Москва, 2016, 560 p.

Orenburg Governor  V.A. Perovsky and Integration of Turkic Peoples in the Russian State.  Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific Conference. Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, 29 April 2015

Еditor: Sudyin Andrei

Orenburg Governor V.A. Perovsky and Integration of Turkic Peoples in the Russian State. Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific Conference. Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, 29 April 2015

Москва, 2016, 144 p.

Archive of Russian Sinology, Vol. IV

Еditor: Dmitriev Sergey
Compilator: Kobzev Artem

Archive of Russian Sinology, Vol. IV

Москва, 2016, 832 p.

Archive of  Russian Sinology, Vol. III

Еditor: Dmitriev Sergey
Compilator: Kobzev Artem

Archive of Russian Sinology, Vol. III

Москва, 2016, 856 p.

Studies in General and Oriental Linguistics 2015. Language. Society. History of Science. 70th Anniversary Festschrift in Honor of RAS Professor V.M. Alpatov. Conference Proceedings. Insitute of Oriental Studies, 22-23 April 2015. Volume 2

Еditor: Zoya Shalyapina
Editor: Zverev Alexey, Anna Panina

Studies in General and Oriental Linguistics 2015. Language. Society. History of Science. 70th Anniversary Festschrift in Honor of RAS Professor V.M. Alpatov. Conference Proceedings. Insitute of Oriental Studies, 22-23 April 2015. Volume 2

Москва, 2016, 216 p.

Formation and Development of Women Education in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Education Policy and Public Reaction)

Serenko Irina
Еditor: Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav

Formation and Development of Women Education in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Education Policy and Public Reaction)

Москва, 2016, 216 p.

Международная научно-практическая конференция

Еditor: Plotnikov Nikolay

Международная научно-практическая конференция "Национальное примирение и будущее Сирии"

Москва, 2016, 36 p.

The History of the Ancient East. Lecture Course

Zakharov Anton

The History of the Ancient East. Lecture Course

Москва, 2016, 286 p.

Тезисы конференции «Мусульманский Восток на исторических рубежах России»

Еditor: Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav, Ul'chenko Nataliya

Тезисы конференции «Мусульманский Восток на исторических рубежах России»

Москва, 2016, 65 p.

Dramas and farces of Russian Sinology

Kobzev Artem
Editor: Orlova Nataliya

Dramas and farces of Russian Sinology

Москва, 2016, 600 p.

Taiwan Under Japanese Control: Now Materials and Researches

Editor: Golovachev Valentin, Molodyakova Elgena, Molodiakov Vassili, Perminova Vera

Taiwan Under Japanese Control: Now Materials and Researches

Москва, 2016, 248 p.

Япония 2016. Ежегодник

Editor-in-chief: Streltsov Dmitry

Япония 2016. Ежегодник

Москва, 2016, 400 p.

The Caucasus and the Steppes in the Late Bronze – Early Iron Age.  Proceedings of the International Scholarly Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Maria Nikolaevna Pogrebova

Еditor: Balakhvantsev Archil, Kullanda Sergey

The Caucasus and the Steppes in the Late Bronze – Early Iron Age. Proceedings of the International Scholarly Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Maria Nikolaevna Pogrebova

Москва, 2016, 264 p.

Tunisian Elegy. Dialogue Between East and West in Works of French-speaking Writers of the 20th – 21st Cent.

Prozhogina Svetlana

Tunisian Elegy. Dialogue Between East and West in Works of French-speaking Writers of the 20th – 21st Cent.

Москва, 2016, 558 p.

Альбом «Сирия: трагедия без срока давности» - Выпуск 2

Editor: Plotnikov Nikolay

Альбом «Сирия: трагедия без срока давности» - Выпуск 2

Москва, 2016, 15 p.

History of the Arab States of Arabian Peninsula (Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman) in the 20 th cent. and in the Beginning of the 21 st cent.

Melkumian Elena

History of the Arab States of Arabian Peninsula (Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman) in the 20 th cent. and in the Beginning of the 21 st cent.

Москва, 2016, 430 p.

Information and Communication Technologies in Asian Countries : ICT Goods and IT-services Production and Exports

Tsvetkova Nina
Еditor: Ul'chenko Nataliya

Information and Communication Technologies in Asian Countries : ICT Goods and IT-services Production and Exports

Москва, 2016, 226 p.

Pakistan, South Asia, Islamic World, the East. Selected Publications (2008 – 2016)

Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav
Еditor: Naumkin Vitaly

Pakistan, South Asia, Islamic World, the East. Selected Publications (2008 – 2016)

Москва, 2016, 712 p.

Practical Grammar of Coptic

Smagina Eugenia

Practical Grammar of Coptic

Москва, 2016, 512 p.

Востоковедные чтения 2016. Языки Южной и Юго-Восточной Азии

Editor: Zoya Shalyapina
Compilator: Anna Panina

Востоковедные чтения 2016. Языки Южной и Юго-Восточной Азии

Москва, 2016, 43 p.

Альбом «Сирия: трагедия без срока давности» - Выпуск 1

Editor: Plotnikov Nikolay

Альбом «Сирия: трагедия без срока давности» - Выпуск 1

Москва, 2016, 39 p.

Under the Skies of South Asia. Territory and Belonging: Geopolitical Construction, Human Agency and the Perception of Places

General Editor: Glushkova Irina
Еditor: Bochkovskaya Anna

Under the Skies of South Asia. Territory and Belonging: Geopolitical Construction, Human Agency and the Perception of Places

Москва, 2016, 799 p.

Rural Community : A Novel Inserted into History. Critical Analysis of the Theories of Community, the Historical Evidence of its Development and Role in Stratified Society

Alayev Leonid

Rural Community : A Novel Inserted into History. Critical Analysis of the Theories of Community, the Historical Evidence of its Development and Role in Stratified Society

Москва, 2016, 480 p.

Manuscripts and Lithographic Publications of the Works by Ali-Shir Nava’i in Moscow Collections

Zaitsev Ilya
Compilator: Zaitsev Ilya

Manuscripts and Lithographic Publications of the Works by Ali-Shir Nava’i in Moscow Collections

Москва, 2016, 208 p.

Problems of Comparative and Historical Study of the Kashmiri Language

Kogan Anton
Еditor: Yakubovich Ilya

Problems of Comparative and Historical Study of the Kashmiri Language

Москва, 2016, 208 p.

Iran in the Second Decade of the 21 st Century : Outlook and Challenges

Еditor: Mamedova Nina
Editor: Kameneva Marina, Fedorova Irina

Iran in the Second Decade of the 21 st Century : Outlook and Challenges

Москва, 2016, 364 p.

Ближний Восток в эпоху испытаний: травмы прошлого и вызовы будущего

Zvyagelskaya Irina, Kuznetsov Vasily, Naumkin Vitaly, Nikolaj Suxov

Ближний Восток в эпоху испытаний: травмы прошлого и вызовы будущего

Москва, 2016, 32 p.

Written monuments of the East: Problems of translation and interpretation

Еditor: Goriaeva Liubov

Written monuments of the East: Problems of translation and interpretation

Москва, 2016, 264 p.

Society and State in China. Vol. XLVI, Part 1.

Еditor: Kobzev Artem
Editor: Sergej Blyumxen

Society and State in China. Vol. XLVI, Part 1.

Москва, 2016, 726 p.

Alevis of Turkey

Zhigulskaya Darya

Alevis of Turkey

Москва, 2016, 116 p.

East in the East, in Russia and in the West: cross-border migrations and diasporas

General Editor: Panarin Sergey
Editor: Panarin Sergey

East in the East, in Russia and in the West: cross-border migrations and diasporas

Санкт-Петербург, 2016, 304 p.

Палестина и Израиль от Второй мировой войны до наших дней

Еditor: Karasova Tatiana
Editor: Maryasis Dmitriy

Палестина и Израиль от Второй мировой войны до наших дней

Москва, 2016, 320 p.

Theocratic Statehood and the Buddhist Church in Mongolia in the Beginning of the 20th Century

Kuzmin Sergius
Еditor: Grayvoronsky Vladimir

Theocratic Statehood and the Buddhist Church in Mongolia in the Beginning of the 20th Century

Москва, 2016, 496 p.

Japanese Intelligence Against the USSR

Kirichenko Aleksey

Japanese Intelligence Against the USSR

Москва, 2016, 320 p.

Army of Iran From Monarchy to Islamic Republic

Lukoyanov A., Shestakov Anatoly

Army of Iran From Monarchy to Islamic Republic

Москва, 2016, 356 p.

Клятва на «крови». Этнологика нациестротельства

Kadyrov Shokhrat

Клятва на «крови». Этнологика нациестротельства

Москва, 2016, 170 p.

Тезисы и доклады 7-ой научной межинститутской конференции «Российская диаспора в странах Востока»

Еditor: Panarina Daria
Compilator: Panarina Daria

Тезисы и доклады 7-ой научной межинститутской конференции «Российская диаспора в странах Востока»

Москва, 2016, 73 p.

Хорасан. Территория искусства

Shukurov Sh.

Хорасан. Территория искусства

Москва, 2016, 400 p.

Syntaslar.  Funeral Steles of the Nogay Steppe

Editor: Zakariyaev Z.
Compilator: Bobrovnikov Vladimir, Korenyako Vladimir

Syntaslar. Funeral Steles of the Nogay Steppe

Москва, 2016, 672 p.

The Scyths : Language and Ethnogenesis

Kullanda Sergey
Еditor: Yakubovich Ilya

The Scyths : Language and Ethnogenesis

Москва, 2016, 232 p.

Социальный протест на современном Востоке

Editor: Streltsov Dmitry

Социальный протест на современном Востоке

Москва, 2016, 304 p.

Переходные экономики: Россия, Казахстан, Китай

Aleksandrov Yuriy

Переходные экономики: Россия, Казахстан, Китай

Москва, 2016, 138 p.

Ливия: распавшееся государство и очаг региональной напряженности // Оценки и идеи. Бюллетень Ин-та востоковедения РАН. Т. 1, № 9, май 2016

Oleg Bulaev, Konstantin Truevczev

Ливия: распавшееся государство и очаг региональной напряженности // Оценки и идеи. Бюллетень Ин-та востоковедения РАН. Т. 1, № 9, май 2016

Москва, 2016, 12 p.

Египет: «дорожная карта» исчерпана // Оценки и идеи. Бюллетень Ин-та востоковедения РАН. Т. 1, № 8, март 2016

Belyakov Vladimir

Египет: «дорожная карта» исчерпана // Оценки и идеи. Бюллетень Ин-та востоковедения РАН. Т. 1, № 8, март 2016

Москва, 2016, 8 p.

Orientalism vs. Orientology : Collection of Articles

Еditor: Bobrovnikov Vladimir, S. Miri

Orientalism vs. Orientology : Collection of Articles

Москва, 2016, 440 p.

Интересы России в АТР и перспективы  отношений Россия-АСЕАН. Материалы научной межинститутской конференции

Editor-compilator: Astafieva Ekaterina

Интересы России в АТР и перспективы отношений Россия-АСЕАН. Материалы научной межинститутской конференции

Москва, 2016, 86 p.

Египет: «дорожная карта» исчерпана // Оценки и идеи. Бюллетень Института востоковедения РАН. Т. 1. № 8, март 2014

Belyakov Vladimir

Египет: «дорожная карта» исчерпана // Оценки и идеи. Бюллетень Института востоковедения РАН. Т. 1. № 8, март 2014

Москва, 2016, 8 p.

The Metamorphoses of Russia : Monograph. Vol. 1.  From Forced Backlog Towards Autocracy, Nobles and Serfs

Vasilyev L.

The Metamorphoses of Russia : Monograph. Vol. 1. From Forced Backlog Towards Autocracy, Nobles and Serfs

Москва, 2016, 486 p.

О ситуации в этническом Курдистане и перспективах ее развития

Еditor: Plotnikov Nikolay

О ситуации в этническом Курдистане и перспективах ее развития

Москва, 2016

Topics in General and Oriental Linguistics 2014. The World of Arabic Language. 90-th Anniversary of G.S. Sharbatov

Еditor: Zoya Shalyapina
Compilator: Blinov Andrey, Anna Panina

Topics in General and Oriental Linguistics 2014. The World of Arabic Language. 90-th Anniversary of G.S. Sharbatov

Москва, 2016, 184 p.

Etymological Dictionary of Mongol Languages : in 3 Vol. : Vol. 2. G – P

Orlovskaya Orlovskaya, Sanzheev Garma, Shevernina Zoya
Editor-in-chief: Sanzheev Garma
Editor: Kontsevich Lev, Leman Yana, Valentin Rassadin

Etymological Dictionary of Mongol Languages : in 3 Vol. : Vol. 2. G – P

Москва, 2016, 232 p.

Russian Geopolitical chance: the transport system in the format of the Russia-China-Central Asia

Aristova Lyudmila, Semenova Nelli

Russian Geopolitical chance: the transport system in the format of the Russia-China-Central Asia

Москва, 2016, 62 p.

История Востока: учебник для магистров : в 2 т. T.II. 6-е изд., перераб. и доп.

Vasilyev L.

История Востока: учебник для магистров : в 2 т. T.II. 6-е изд., перераб. и доп.

Москва, 2016, 788 p.