Our books
“Model Colony” Taiwan: Half-century under the Japanese Rule (1895–1945): Monograph
Editor: Golovachev Valentin
Москва '2024
Ekaterina Armarchuk, Bystritskiy N., Druzhinina Inga, Danila Dry`ga, Aleksandra Evdokimova, Endoltseva Ekaterina, Inal Kabardov, Viktor Rastvorov, Valerij Stepanenko, Nelli Tabueva, Valerij Flyorov, Irina Czokur, Evgenij Chugunov, Chkhaidze Viktor, Il`ya Shigaev
ByzantinoCaucasica. Volume 4
Еditor: Chkhaidze Viktor
Москва '2024
The political and legal status of Russian emigres in the Soviet-Chinese relations in 1917–1949
Editor: Kobzev Artem
Москва '2024
China and Russia’s special military operation (February 2022 — April 2023)
Editor: Kobzev Artem
Санкт-Петербург '2024
Antoshin Alexei, Astafieva Ekaterina, Garin Artyom, Arina Lebedeva, Nikolaj Mikluxo-Maklaj, Pale Sofia, Filipp Xanin
Russia and Oceania: New Challenges and Prospects. On the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Fiji: Conference Proceedings
Editor: Astafieva Ekaterina
Москва '2024
The Situation in the Middle East and North Africa and its Development in the Near Future
Editor: Plotnikov Nikolay
Author-compilator: Ushanov Maxim
Translator: Semyon Basinskix
Москва '2024
Astafieva Ekaterina, Syue` Baj, X. Bayarma, Zuxra Berdigozhina, Aleksandr Voronczov, Golovachev Valentin, Din` Ngok Bao, Svetlana Dudarenok, Samat Eskaliev, Natal`ya Matveeva, Nguen Suan Chy`ong, Evgenij Nolev, Panarina Daria, Panarin Sergey, Perminova Vera, Daniil Romanenko, Rysakova P., Marina Czy`renova, Chzhan Czzyan`xua, Xue`jczin Chzhao, Tyan`ge` Chu
Teaching History in the Countries of the East
Editor: Panarin Sergey
Editor: Golovachev Valentin
Москва '2024
Russia and Persia in the struggle for the Caspian Sea (XVIII century)
Editor: Mamedova Nina
Москва '2024