
2013 year

Society and State in China : 43rd Scientific Conference. Vol. XLIII, Part 1.

Editor-in-chief: Kobzev Artem
Еditor: Sergej Blyumxen

Society and State in China : 43rd Scientific Conference. Vol. XLIII, Part 1.

Москва, 2013, 684 p.

Изучение памятников морской археологии

Compilator: Petr Sorokin

Изучение памятников морской археологии

Санкт-Петербург, 2013, 176 p.

Iranian World. 2nd – 1st Millennia B.C.  Proceedings of International Scientific Conference, Devoted to the Memory of E.A. Grantovsky and D.S. Raevsky. 2 – 3 December 2013.  Issue 6.

Еditor: Kolganova Galina

Iranian World. 2nd – 1st Millennia B.C. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference, Devoted to the Memory of E.A. Grantovsky and D.S. Raevsky. 2 – 3 December 2013. Issue 6.

Москва, 2013, 128 p.

Кубанская культура и окружающий мир (взаимосвязи, проблемы судьбы и следов разнокультурных инфильтраций в местной среде)

Valentina Kozenkova

Кубанская культура и окружающий мир (взаимосвязи, проблемы судьбы и следов разнокультурных инфильтраций в местной среде)

Москва, 2013, 252 p.

Лолинская культура

Roman Mimoxod

Лолинская культура

Москва, 2013, 568 p.

Академическая археология на берегах Невы (от РАИМК до ИИМК РАН, 1919-2014 гг.)

Еditor: Evgenij Nosov

Академическая археология на берегах Невы (от РАИМК до ИИМК РАН, 1919-2014 гг.)

Санкт-Петербург, 2013, 416 p.

Церковная архитектура стран Закавказья VII века

Armen Kazaryan

Церковная архитектура стран Закавказья VII века

Москва, 2013, 340 p.

Vera Tol`cz
Editor: K. Ivanov

"Собственный Восток России": Политика идентичности и востоковедение в позднеимперский и раннесоветский период

Москва., 2013, 336 p.

Новое недовольствие мемориальной культурой. А. Ассман

Editor: I. Kalinin
Translator: Boris Xlebnikov

Новое недовольствие мемориальной культурой. А. Ассман

Москва., 2013, 232 p.

Причерноморье в античное и раннесредневековое время

Еditor: A. Kovalenko
Editor: V. Klyuchnikov

Причерноморье в античное и раннесредневековое время

Ростов-на-Дону, 2013, 434 p.

Тарасовское святилище раннего железного века в Среднем Прикамье

Rimma Goldina

Тарасовское святилище раннего железного века в Среднем Прикамье

Ижевск, 2013, 184 p.

Этногенез и археология

Lev Klejn

Этногенез и археология

Санкт-Петербург, 2013, 528 p.

Этногенез и археология

Lev Klejn

Этногенез и археология

Санкт-Петербург, 2013, 528 p.

Очерки современной тувинской культуры

Chimiza Lamazhaa

Очерки современной тувинской культуры

Санкт-Петербург., 2013, 192 p.

Исследования на водянском городище в 2011-2012 гг.

Andrej Lapshin, Evgenij My`s`kov

Исследования на водянском городище в 2011-2012 гг.

Волгоград, 2013, 216 p.

Путешествие Одиссея

Boris Fridman

Путешествие Одиссея

Москва, 2013, 48 p.

Средняя Азия и евразийская степь в древности

Igor` P`yankov

Средняя Азия и евразийская степь в древности

Санкт-Петербург., 2013, 736 p.

Исследование на водянском городище в 2011-2012 гг.

Andrej Lapshin, Evgenij My`s`kov

Исследование на водянском городище в 2011-2012 гг.

Волгоград, 2013, 216 p.

Мир буддийских идей и монашество в классической японской литературе

Elena Lepexova, Sergej Lepexov
: N Zhambaeva
: G Kashina
: D Oloev
Editor: E Borisova

Мир буддийских идей и монашество в классической японской литературе

Улан-Удэ, 2013

Сценарии и тренды
развития стран Востока

Сценарии и тренды развития стран Востока

2013, 176 p.

Текст. Контекст. Подтекст. Сборник статей в честь М.И. Погребовой.

Еditor: Kolganova Galina

Текст. Контекст. Подтекст. Сборник статей в честь М.И. Погребовой.

Москва, 2013, 252 p.

Сборник научных статей памяти академика Григория Максимовича Бонгард-Левина. Monumentum Gregorianum.

Еditor: Askol`d Ivanchik
Compilator: Askol`d Ivanchik

Сборник научных статей памяти академика Григория Максимовича Бонгард-Левина. Monumentum Gregorianum.

Москва, 2013, 552 p.

Моление о рождении в северной Шамбале

Strelkov Andrei

Моление о рождении в северной Шамбале

Улан-Удэ, 2013, 336 p.

Синология, япононоведение и тибетология в России и Франции: история и перспективы

Reviewer: Ol`ga Nesterova

Синология, япононоведение и тибетология в России и Франции: история и перспективы

Москва, 2013, 240 p.

Ученые записки. Сборник стихотворений.

Smagina Eugenia

Ученые записки. Сборник стихотворений.

Москва, 2013, 144 p.

Жизненные наставления Далай-ламы.

Dugpa Rimpoche, Bernard Bodue`n

Жизненные наставления Далай-ламы.

Москва, 2013, 224 p.

Ради блага людей. (Стихи и отрывки из поэм). К 200-летию со дня рождения Бханубхакты Ачарьи.

Ради блага людей. (Стихи и отрывки из поэм). К 200-летию со дня рождения Бханубхакты Ачарьи.

Москва-Катманду, 2013, 96 p.

Небесные танцовщицы. Истории просветленных женщин Индии и Тибета.

Compilator: Angelika Prenzel`

Небесные танцовщицы. Истории просветленных женщин Индии и Тибета.

Москва, 2013, 288 p.

О буддизме и буддистах. Статьи разных лет. 1969-2011.

Nataliya Zhukovskaya

О буддизме и буддистах. Статьи разных лет. 1969-2011.

Москва, 2013, 480 p.

Ваджра-гуру Бидия Дандарон

Compilator: Aleksej Strelkov

Ваджра-гуру Бидия Дандарон

Улан-Удэ, 2013, 100 p.

Буддизм Ваджраяны в России: Исторический дискурс и сопредельные культы

Еditor: Leonteva Elena

Буддизм Ваджраяны в России: Исторический дискурс и сопредельные культы

Москва, 2013, 512 p.

Проблемы индийского теизма: философско-компаративный анализ.

Elena Anikeeva

Проблемы индийского теизма: философско-компаративный анализ.

Москва, 2013, 256 p.

Историография истории Индии.

Alayev Leonid

Историография истории Индии.

Москва, 2013, 472 p.

Буддийские мастера-маги. Легенды о махасиддхах.


Буддийские мастера-маги. Легенды о махасиддхах.

Москва, 2013, 208 p.

Религии и культы домусульманской Средней Азии (IV в. до н.э. - IV в. н.э.).

Text and photographs: Sergej Bolelov, Tigran Mkry`tchev

Религии и культы домусульманской Средней Азии (IV в. до н.э. - IV в. н.э.).

Москва, 2013, 80 p.

South-East Asia : Relevant Problems of Development. Ideology, History, Culture, Policy, Economy. Issues XX–XXI (SEA 2012–2013).

Editor-in-chief: Dmitry Mosyakov
Editor: Astafieva Ekaterina

South-East Asia : Relevant Problems of Development. Ideology, History, Culture, Policy, Economy. Issues XX–XXI (SEA 2012–2013).

Москва, 2013, 327 p.

Concept of “Greater Middle East” at Work

Sharipov Ural

Concept of “Greater Middle East” at Work

Москва, 2013, 379 p.

Austroasiatic languages: problems of grammatical reconstruction

Pogibenko Tamara
Еditor: Alpatov Vladimir

Austroasiatic languages: problems of grammatical reconstruction

Москва, 2013, 455 p.

Transactions of the Center of IOS, RAS, for Studies of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Urals-Volga Region. Vol. 1. Abkhazia.

Еditor: Aleksandr Skakov
Editor: Naumkin Vitaly

Transactions of the Center of IOS, RAS, for Studies of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Urals-Volga Region. Vol. 1. Abkhazia.

Москва, 2013, 230 p.

Oriental Epigraphy. Issue 30

Editor-in-chief: Naumkin Vitaly
Editor: Vasilyev Dmitri, Nastich V., Stolyarov Aleksandr

Oriental Epigraphy. Issue 30

Москва, 2013, 352 p.

Eastern Countries in the Context of Modern World Processes : Social-Political, Economical, Ethno-confessional and Socio-cultural Problems

Compilator: Bibikova Olga, Tsvetkova Nina

Eastern Countries in the Context of Modern World Processes : Social-Political, Economical, Ethno-confessional and Socio-cultural Problems

Москва, 2013, 232 p.

Market and Social Problems : Oriental Countries and Russia. Collection of Articles

Editor: Landa Robert, Tsvetkova Nina

Market and Social Problems : Oriental Countries and Russia. Collection of Articles

Москва, 2013, 132 p.

Russian Koreans in Fight for Independence of Korea. Photo portraits. Book 2.

Editor-in-chief: Yurij Vanin
Editor: Pak Bella, Chzhon Pak
Translator: En Pe
Compilator: Boris Pak, Valentin Czoj

Russian Koreans in Fight for Independence of Korea. Photo portraits. Book 2.

Сеул, 2013, 157 p.

The Maronites : Traditions, History, Policy

Rodionov Mikhail, Sarabyev Alexey
General Editor: Naumkin Vitaly
Еditor: Amal` Abu Zejd, Sautov Vladimir

The Maronites : Traditions, History, Policy

Москва, 2013, 500 p.

Anatomy of the Egyptian Revolution – 2011 on the Eve and After Political Crisis in January-February 2011.

Razhbadinov M.

Anatomy of the Egyptian Revolution – 2011 on the Eve and After Political Crisis in January-February 2011.

Москва, 2013, 412 p.

Russian Diplomat K.I. Weber and Korea

Pak Bella

Russian Diplomat K.I. Weber and Korea

Москва, 2013, 400 p.

Mahathir bin Mohamad on the Contemporary World (A Conversation with Vitaly Naumkin).

Naumkin Vitaly

Mahathir bin Mohamad on the Contemporary World (A Conversation with Vitaly Naumkin).

Москва, 2013, 175 p.

L.N.Tolstoy and India. Correspondence

Еditor: Bochkovskaya Anna
Compilator: Tatyana Zagorodnikova

L.N.Tolstoy and India. Correspondence

Москва, 2013, 272 p.

Lazarev’s Readings.  Issue 2

Еditor: Zhigalina Olga

Lazarev’s Readings. Issue 2

Москва, 2013, 244 p.

Mulla Mustafa Barzani. Portrait of Historical Person

Zhigalina Olga
Еditor: Naumkin Vitaly

Mulla Mustafa Barzani. Portrait of Historical Person

Москва, 2013, 240 p.

Looking at Each Other… Russia and Arab World: Mutual Perception. (Collection of Articles.)

Еditor: Smilianskaya Irina
Compilator: Romanova Natalya, Smilianskaya Irina, Filonik Aleksandr

Looking at Each Other… Russia and Arab World: Mutual Perception. (Collection of Articles.)

Москва, 2013, 482 p.

Authoritarianism and Democracy in Afghanistan and Pakistan Realities

Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav, Ruslan Sikoev

Authoritarianism and Democracy in Afghanistan and Pakistan Realities

Москва, 2013, 176 p.

Russia and Greater Middle East

Editor-in-chief: Ivanov Igor
General Editor: Naumkin Vitaly
: Aleksandr Aksenenok, Zvyagelskaya Irina, Karasova Tatiana, Kuznetsov Vasily, Veniamin Popov, M. Sapronova, P. Stegnij, Filonik Aleksandr, Shlykov Pavel

Russia and Greater Middle East

Москва, 2013, 52 p.

Judaism in Russian Empire (The manuscript is on a deposit in ISSI, RAS. 18.03.13, № 61082)

Lokshin Aleksandr

Judaism in Russian Empire (The manuscript is on a deposit in ISSI, RAS. 18.03.13, № 61082)

Москва, 2013, 10 p.

The Last Encyclopedist : The Issue in Honor of the 90-Anniversary of Boris Litvinsky

Editor: Kolganova Galina, Kullanda Sergey, Petrova Anastasia

The Last Encyclopedist : The Issue in Honor of the 90-Anniversary of Boris Litvinsky

Москва, 2013, 503 p.

Text. Context. Implications.  Collection of Articles in Honor of M.N. Pogrebova

Editor: Kolganova Galina, Kullanda Sergey

Text. Context. Implications. Collection of Articles in Honor of M.N. Pogrebova

Москва, 2013, 252 p.

Россия, Китай и Монголия: вместе навстречу вызовам современности

Еditor: Elena Bojkova
Editor: Aleksandr Voronczov, Grayvoronsky Vladimir

Россия, Китай и Монголия: вместе навстречу вызовам современности

Москва, 2013, 224 p.

Jeffrey Archer: The Kurds: The Simple Truth

Holloway-White Lorraine

Jeffrey Archer: The Kurds: The Simple Truth


Zhang Binlin.  Selected Works : 1894 – 1913

General Editor: Chudodeyev Yu.
Еditor: Chudodeyev Yu.
Editor: Dikarev Andrei
Translator: Nina Kalyuzhnaya
Compilator: Nina Kalyuzhnaya

Zhang Binlin. Selected Works : 1894 – 1913

Москва, 2013, 304 p.

Scenarios of Arab Countries Development until 2050 // Otsenki i Idei. Newsletter of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. Vol. 1, № 4, July 2013

Filonik Aleksandr

Scenarios of Arab Countries Development until 2050 // Otsenki i Idei. Newsletter of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. Vol. 1, № 4, July 2013

Москва, 2013, 12 p.

Turgut Ozal – Prime-Minister and President of Turkey.  2nd improved ed.

Ul'chenko Nataliya, Uturgaury S.
Editor-in-chief: Naumkin Vitaly

Turgut Ozal – Prime-Minister and President of Turkey. 2nd improved ed.

Москва, 2013, 132 p.

Third Abkhazian International Archaeological Conference: Problems of Ancient and Midiaeval Archaeology of Caucasus

Еditor: Majya Kashuba, Aleksandr Skakov

Third Abkhazian International Archaeological Conference: Problems of Ancient and Midiaeval Archaeology of Caucasus

Сухум, 2013, 396 p.

The Transformation and Conflicts in Central Asia and in the Caucasus

General Editor: Peter Linke, Naumkin Vitaly
Еditor: Alikberov Alikber, Zvyagelskaya Irina

The Transformation and Conflicts in Central Asia and in the Caucasus

Москва, 2013, 216 p.

The Rival of Chingiz-khan: Khorezmshah Jalal ad-Din Mankburni, Personality and Epoch

Timokhin Dmitry
Еditor: Kadyrbaev Alexandr

The Rival of Chingiz-khan: Khorezmshah Jalal ad-Din Mankburni, Personality and Epoch

Москва, 2013, 268 p.

Tataric Shamail: Word and Image

Еditor: Igor` Alekseev, Bobrovnikov Vladimir, Filatova Maria
Compilator: Igor` Alekseev, Bobrovnikov Vladimir, Filatova Maria

Tataric Shamail: Word and Image

Москва, 2013, 213 p.

The Russians in Vietnam. Essays and Travel Notes (19 – the beg. of 20 cent.)

Compilator: Sokolov Anatoly

The Russians in Vietnam. Essays and Travel Notes (19 – the beg. of 20 cent.)

Москва, Ханой, 2013, 288 p.

Russia’s Interests in Central Asia : Content, Perspectives, Limitations

Editor-in-chief: Ivanov Igor

Russia’s Interests in Central Asia : Content, Perspectives, Limitations

Москва, 2013, 64 p.

The collapse of the monarchy in China

Chudodeyev Yu.
Еditor: Nepomnin Nepomnin

The collapse of the monarchy in China

Москва, 2013, 392 p.

Nonlinear Futures: Mega-History, Complexity Theory, Anthropology & Psychology for Global Forecasting

Nazaretian Akop

Nonlinear Futures: Mega-History, Complexity Theory, Anthropology & Psychology for Global Forecasting

Москва, 2013, 440 p.

Путь к себе (проблемы самосохранения в процессах пересечения Востока и Запада)

Kassae Nygusie, Prozhogina Svetlana
Еditor: Ksenofontova Nataliia

Путь к себе (проблемы самосохранения в процессах пересечения Востока и Запада)

Москва, 2013, 346 p.

Agony and Collapse of Portugal Colonial Empire

Khazanov Anatoliy

Agony and Collapse of Portugal Colonial Empire

Москва, 2013, 370 p.

Economy, Society and Power in the Countries of European Union : Tri-angle of Crisis.  Report № 2 of the Center for Political Systems and Cultures

Ananieva Elena, Lyudmila Baby`nina, Dunaev A., Margarita Klyuchnikova, Dmitrij Kondratov, Vasilij Smirnov, Aleksandr Te`vdoj-Burmuli
Compilator: Dunaev A.

Economy, Society and Power in the Countries of European Union : Tri-angle of Crisis. Report № 2 of the Center for Political Systems and Cultures

Москва, 2013, 34 p.

Khalkhin Gol : The View from XXI Cent

Editor-compilator: Elena Bojkova

Khalkhin Gol : The View from XXI Cent

Москва, 2013, 156 p.

B. Shirendyb and S.D. Dylykov in memory of relatives, colleagues and friends

Еditor: Grayvoronsky Vladimir
Compilator: Grayvoronsky Vladimir

B. Shirendyb and S.D. Dylykov in memory of relatives, colleagues and friends

Москва, 2013, 192 p.

Chinese Energetics in the World Economic Context

Tomberg Igor

Chinese Energetics in the World Economic Context

Москва, 2013, 160 p.

Туркмен-нама. Кто такие туркмены

Kadyrov Shokhrat

Туркмен-нама. Кто такие туркмены

Москва, 2013, 452 p.

Территориальный вопрос в афро-азиатском мире

Editor: Streltsov Dmitry

Территориальный вопрос в афро-азиатском мире

Москва, 2013, 319 p.

The New in Sogdian Etymology

Yakubovich Ilya
Еditor: Burlak Svetlana

The New in Sogdian Etymology

Москва, 2013, 240 p.

India : Prospects of Modern Development. Domestic, Regional and Global Aspects

Editor: Kashin Valeriy, Lebedeva Nina, Rabei Sergey, Svinarchuk Taisia, Shaumyan Tatiana

India : Prospects of Modern Development. Domestic, Regional and Global Aspects

Москва, 2013

White Russians on the Bosphorus : 1919 – 1929

Uturgaury S.
Еditor: Meyer Mihail

White Russians on the Bosphorus : 1919 – 1929

Москва, 2013, 328 p.

Japan 2013. Annual

Editor-in-chief: Streltsov Dmitry

Japan 2013. Annual

Москва, 2013, 412 p.

The Osman Conquest of Arabic Countries. 1516 – 1574 [in Turkish]

Ivanov Nicolay

The Osman Conquest of Arabic Countries. 1516 – 1574 [in Turkish]

Ankara (Турция), 2013, 322 p.

Benazeer Bhutto : The Portrait in Two Perspectives

Suvorova Anna

Benazeer Bhutto : The Portrait in Two Perspectives

Москва, 2013, 223 p.

Japan : Political Modernization of Heisei Era

Streltsov Dmitry

Japan : Political Modernization of Heisei Era

Москва, 2013, 296 p.

Comparative Culturology : In Search of a Starting Point. Scientific Pa-pers of the Department of Comparative Culturology of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS

Еditor: Kutsenkov Petr
Compilator: Kutsenkov Petr

Comparative Culturology : In Search of a Starting Point. Scientific Pa-pers of the Department of Comparative Culturology of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS

Москва, 2013, 180 p.

Xinhai Revolution and Republican China : a Century of Revolutions, Evolution and Modernization. Collection of Articles

Еditor: Golovachev Valentin

Xinhai Revolution and Republican China : a Century of Revolutions, Evolution and Modernization. Collection of Articles

Москва, 2013, 312 p.

Sinologists of the World to the Jubilee of Stanislav Kuczera. Collection of Works

Еditor: Anatolij Vyatkin
Compilator: Dmitriev Sergey

Sinologists of the World to the Jubilee of Stanislav Kuczera. Collection of Works

Москва, 2013, 576 p.

Formation of Arabian Monarchies Statehood (Historical Background and Modernization Trends).

Isaev Vladimir, Seyranyan Bagrat, Filonik Aleksandr

Formation of Arabian Monarchies Statehood (Historical Background and Modernization Trends).

Москва, 2013, 180 p.

Post-Soviet Jewish Youth: Ethnic Identity, Community Life and Connections with Israel

Pisarevskaya D., Khanin Vladimir (Ze’ev), Epstein Alek D.

Post-Soviet Jewish Youth: Ethnic Identity, Community Life and Connections with Israel

Москва, 2013, 196 p.

Japan in Asia: Parameters of Cooperation

General Editor: Molodyakova Elgena

Japan in Asia: Parameters of Cooperation

Москва, 2013, 312 p.

Russia and Israel in the Changing Middle East. Conference Proceedings. Memorandum № 129, July 2013.

Editor: Magen Zvi, Naumkin Vitaly

Russia and Israel in the Changing Middle East. Conference Proceedings. Memorandum № 129, July 2013.

Tel Aviv, 2013, 107 p.

Russia, China and Mongoia : All Together Against the Challenges of the Modern Time.  Proceedings of the Third International Scientific Forum (Moscow, June 9 – 10, 2011).

Editor-in-chief: Elena Bojkova
Editor: Aleksandr Voronczov, Grayvoronsky Vladimir

Russia, China and Mongoia : All Together Against the Challenges of the Modern Time. Proceedings of the Third International Scientific Forum (Moscow, June 9 – 10, 2011).

Москва, 2013, 224 p.

Russian Diaspora in Eastern Countries : History and Modernity.  Collection of Articles of I – III Annual International Scientific Conferences, Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, 2010 – 2012.

Editor: Nikolaev Valery
Compilator: Pale Sofia

Russian Diaspora in Eastern Countries : History and Modernity. Collection of Articles of I – III Annual International Scientific Conferences, Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, 2010 – 2012.

Владивосток, 2013, 188 p.

Visual Folklore Poetics of Scythian Animal Style

Kullanda Sergey, Pogrebova M., Raevskiy D.

Visual Folklore Poetics of Scythian Animal Style

Москва, 2013, 274 p.

The World of Mountains (Semantic Amplitude of the Topos in Maghrebian Fiction)

Prozhogina Svetlana

The World of Mountains (Semantic Amplitude of the Topos in Maghrebian Fiction)

Москва, 2013, 388 p.

Political System of Modern Japan : Students’ Manual

Editor: Streltsov Dmitry

Political System of Modern Japan : Students’ Manual

Москва, 2013, 384 p.

Posters of Soviet East, 1918 – 1940

Compilator: Filatova Maria

Posters of Soviet East, 1918 – 1940

Москва, 2013, 318 p.

Writers of the East – Nobel Prize Laureats. Supplement 1. S.A. Toroptsev. MoYan

Editor-in-chief: Uturgaury S.

Writers of the East – Nobel Prize Laureats. Supplement 1. S.A. Toroptsev. MoYan

Москва, 2013, 20 p.

Arab East : from “Spring” to Chaos?

Sergej Pechurov
Еditor: Naumkin Vitaly, Emanuilov Rahaim

Arab East : from “Spring” to Chaos?

Москва, 2013, 120 p.

Patriot Ahn Junggeun.  Feat and Ideologic Heritage.  Proceedings of International Scientific Conference.  Moscow, October 19, 2012

Еditor: Yurij Vanin

Patriot Ahn Junggeun. Feat and Ideologic Heritage. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference. Moscow, October 19, 2012

Москва, 2013, 272 p.

Society and State in China : 43rd Scientific Conference. Vol. XLIII, Part 2.

Editor-in-chief: Kobzev Artem
Еditor: Sergej Blyumxen

Society and State in China : 43rd Scientific Conference. Vol. XLIII, Part 2.

Москва, 2013, 487 p.

Political Transformations in “Fragile States” of CIS.  Report № 1 of the Center for Political Systems and Cultures.

Bartenev Vladimir, Irina Vasilenko, N. Kirakasyan, Kuznetsov Vasily, Dina Maly`sheva, Dmitrij Maly`shev, Naumkin Vitaly, Nessar Omar, Dmitrij Nikolaev, Stanislav Pritchin
Compilator: Dina Maly`sheva

Political Transformations in “Fragile States” of CIS. Report № 1 of the Center for Political Systems and Cultures.

Москва, 2013, 34 p.

Arab World, Islam and Russia : Past and Present.  Selected Chapters, Articles, Lectures and Reports

Naumkin Vitaly
Compilator: Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav, Zvyagelskaya Irina

Arab World, Islam and Russia : Past and Present. Selected Chapters, Articles, Lectures and Reports

Москва, 2013, 528 p.

From Picture to Symbol

Kutsenkov Petr

From Picture to Symbol

Saarbrücken (Germany), 2013, 258 p.

History of Baron Ungern : the Experience of Reconstruction

Kuzmin Sergius
Editor: Batsaikhan Ookhnoin, A. Efimenko
Translator: Ch. Baasanzhargal

History of Baron Ungern : the Experience of Reconstruction

Улан-Батор, 2013, 802 p.

Poetics of the Politics : Tunisian Case

Kuznetsov Vasily

Poetics of the Politics : Tunisian Case

Москва, 2013, 56 p.

Koreans – Victims of Political Reprisals in the USSR, 1934 – 1938. 15th Book.

General Editor: Svetlana Ku-Degaj

Koreans – Victims of Political Reprisals in the USSR, 1934 – 1938. 15th Book.

Москва, 2013, 296 p.

The World of the “Hunmin Chǒng

Kontsevich Lev

The World of the “Hunmin Chǒng"

Москва, 2013, 586 p.

How Much is a Life of an Ambassador in TNT Equivalent?  Beirut Sketches, 1986 – 1990.

Kolotusha V.
Еditor: Filonik Aleksandr

How Much is a Life of an Ambassador in TNT Equivalent? Beirut Sketches, 1986 – 1990.

Москва, 2013, 140 p.

Wider Europe of Vladimir Putin

Klyuchnikov B.

Wider Europe of Vladimir Putin

Москва, 2013, 208 p.

Unknown Aspects of 200-years History of Japanese-Russian Relations

Kirichenko Aleksey
Translator: Yoko Nagosi

Unknown Aspects of 200-years History of Japanese-Russian Relations

Токио, 2013, 276 p.

Bharat Yatra

Kashin Valeriy, I. Lapteva

Bharat Yatra

Москва, 2013, 232 p.

Dialogues with the Past : Ethnohistory of a Rajput Princely State.

Karachkova Elena

Dialogues with the Past : Ethnohistory of a Rajput Princely State.

Москва, 2013, 248 p.

Matrix of Ethnology. Essays on the Theory and Methodology. 2nd ed.

General Editor: Kadyrov Shokhrat
Еditor: Viktor Kozlov, Sledzevski Igor

Matrix of Ethnology. Essays on the Theory and Methodology. 2nd ed.

Москва, 2013, 112 p.

Islamic World in New Century.  Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

İhsanoğly Ekmeleddin

Islamic World in New Century. Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Москва, 2013, 416 p.

Iran During M. Ahmadinejad

Еditor: Mamedova Nina
Compilator: Dunaeva Elena

Iran During M. Ahmadinejad

Москва, 2013, 220 p.

Russia’s Interests in Central Asia : Content, Perspectives, Limitations

Editor-in-chief: Ivanov Stanislav

Russia’s Interests in Central Asia : Content, Perspectives, Limitations

Москва, 2013, 64 p.

From Central Asia to Anatolia : City and Man

Editor: Vasilyev Aleksandr, Çomak İhsan
Translator: Vasilyeva Elena
Compilator: Vasilyev Dmitri

From Central Asia to Anatolia : City and Man

Анкара, 2013, 380 p.

Religious Philosophy of Islam : Kalam : Study Guide.

Ibrahim T.

Religious Philosophy of Islam : Kalam : Study Guide.

Казань, 2013, 212 p.

Russia and “Arab Spring” : Perception and Policy. // Otsenki i Idei.  Newsletter of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. Vol. 1, № 3, April 2013.

Zvyagelskaya Irina

Russia and “Arab Spring” : Perception and Policy. // Otsenki i Idei. Newsletter of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. Vol. 1, № 3, April 2013.

Москва, 2013, 20 p.

Senusia in History of Libya (1843 – 1969). [In Arabic]

Egorin Anatoly, Galina Mironova

Senusia in History of Libya (1843 – 1969). [In Arabic]

Каир, 2013, 570 p.

Kaddafi.  Chronicle of Assassination

Egorin Anatoly

Kaddafi. Chronicle of Assassination

Москва, 2013, 368 p.

Egypt in the Eyes of Russians of XV – XVIII Cent.  A Collection of Walks.

Еditor: Kormysheva Eleonora
Compilator: Belyakov Vladimir

Egypt in the Eyes of Russians of XV – XVIII Cent. A Collection of Walks.

Москва, 2013, 292 p.

United Arab Emirates in Native Publications

Evdokimov Yuriy
Еditor: Naumkin Vitaly

United Arab Emirates in Native Publications

Москва, 2013, 270 p.

Sketchbook on Military-technical Cooperation between China and the USSR and Russia in the 2nd Half of the 20th Century (with Translation of Selected Fragments from Memoirs by General-colonel Liu Huaqing).

Goncharov S.
Еditor: Kobzev Artem

Sketchbook on Military-technical Cooperation between China and the USSR and Russia in the 2nd Half of the 20th Century (with Translation of Selected Fragments from Memoirs by General-colonel Liu Huaqing).

Москва, 2013, 312 p.

Global Future in 2045.  Converging Technologies (NBICS) and Transhumanistic Evolution.

Editor: David Dubrovskij

Global Future in 2045. Converging Technologies (NBICS) and Transhumanistic Evolution.

Москва, 2013, 272 p.

Political Processes in Kurdish Areas of Western Asian Countries (Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Iran).

Vertyaev K., Zhigalina Olga, Ivanov Stanislav
Еditor: Zhigalina Olga

Political Processes in Kurdish Areas of Western Asian Countries (Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Iran).

Москва, 2013, 142 p.

Corpus of Turkic Runic Inscriptions in South Siberia.  P. 1. Ancient Turkic Epigraphy of the Altaic Region

Vasilyev Dmitri

Corpus of Turkic Runic Inscriptions in South Siberia. P. 1. Ancient Turkic Epigraphy of the Altaic Region

Астана, 2013, 268 p.

Russian-Turkish Relations in the mid. of 19th Cent. and Russian Society

Boldyrev Andrei
Еditor: Oreshkova Svetlana

Russian-Turkish Relations in the mid. of 19th Cent. and Russian Society

Москва, 2013, 496 p.

A Political History of Pakistan. 1947 – 2007

Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav, Moskalenko Vladimir

A Political History of Pakistan. 1947 – 2007

Karachi (Pakistan), 2013, 497 p.

Security in the West, in the East, and in Russia : Perceptions, Concepts, Situations : Proceedings of International Conference. Moscow, October 15 – 16, 2012.

Editor: Panarin Sergey, Polyvyannyy Dmitriy

Security in the West, in the East, and in Russia : Perceptions, Concepts, Situations : Proceedings of International Conference. Moscow, October 15 – 16, 2012.

Иваново, 2013, 408 p.

Chinese Policy in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Northern Caspian Sea Region in the end of XX – beg. of XXI Cent.

Babayan David
Еditor: Zvyagelskaya Irina, Dmitry Mosyakov

Chinese Policy in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Northern Caspian Sea Region in the end of XX – beg. of XXI Cent.

Москва, 2013, 328 p.

Proto-Niger-Congo. Personal Pronouns

Bababev Kirill

Proto-Niger-Congo. Personal Pronouns

Москва, 2013, 608 p.

Archive of Chinese Studies in Russia. In 2 Vol. Volume 2.

Editor-in-chief: Anatolij Vyatkin
Compilator: Kobzev Artem

Archive of Chinese Studies in Russia. In 2 Vol. Volume 2.

Москва, 2013, 519 p.

Archive of Chinese Studies in Russia. In 2 Vol. Volume 1.

Editor-in-chief: Anatolij Vyatkin
Compilator: Kobzev Artem

Archive of Chinese Studies in Russia. In 2 Vol. Volume 1.

Москва, 2013, 583 p.

Modern Japanese Etiquette : Variety in Harmony

Areshidze Liana, Krupyanko Ivan, Krupyanko Mikhail

Modern Japanese Etiquette : Variety in Harmony

Москва, 2013, 264 p.

Arabic, Persian and Turkish Manuscripts from the Collection of Mardjani Foundation. Catalogue of the Exhibition.  (All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature, May 27 – 31, 2013)

Compilator: Zaitsev Ilya, Lasikova Galina, Filatova Maria

Arabic, Persian and Turkish Manuscripts from the Collection of Mardjani Foundation. Catalogue of the Exhibition. (All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature, May 27 – 31, 2013)

Москва, 2013, 43 p.

The Gold of Sennar : Egypt and Sudan Through the Eyes of the Ural Master of Gold Mining in 19th Century

Antoshin Alexei
Еditor: Goriachkin Gennadiy

The Gold of Sennar : Egypt and Sudan Through the Eyes of the Ural Master of Gold Mining in 19th Century

Москва, 2013, 172 p.

National Policy in Russia : XVI – beg. of  XXI Cent. : Study Guide.

Mastiugina Tatiana, Perepelkin Lev, Stelmakh Vladislav

National Policy in Russia : XVI – beg. of XXI Cent. : Study Guide.

Москва, 2013, 304 p.

International Problems of the Middle East. 1960s – 2013.

Olimpiev Anatoliy, Khazanov Anatoliy

International Problems of the Middle East. 1960s – 2013.

Москва, 2013, 351 p.

The Story of Isa Ibn Hisham, or Period of Time

al-Muwailihi Muhammad
Editor-in-chief: Kudelin Aleksandr
Editor: Kirpichenko Valeria

The Story of Isa Ibn Hisham, or Period of Time

Москва, 2013, 305 p.

Description of Egypt in the beg. of 13th Cent.  The Book of Notification and Consideration of Cases Seen and Events Witnessed in the Land of Egypt. 2nd ed., impoved and enlarged.

Al-Bagdadi ‘Abd Al-Latif
Translator: Naumkin Vitaly, Andrej Nedveczkij

Description of Egypt in the beg. of 13th Cent. The Book of Notification and Consideration of Cases Seen and Events Witnessed in the Land of Egypt. 2nd ed., impoved and enlarged.

Москва, 2013, 312 p.

Historiography of the Indian History

Alayev Leonid

Historiography of the Indian History

Москва, 2013, 470 p.

Kazakhstan Before the Barrier of Modernization

Aleksandrov Yuriy

Kazakhstan Before the Barrier of Modernization

Москва, 2013, 288 p.

Destiny of Moriscos

Landa Robert
Еditor: Naumkin Vitaly, Emanuilov Rahaim

Destiny of Moriscos

Москва, 2013, 399 p.

“Tell It to Your Children, and Their Children to Next Generation.” Cultural Memory of Russian Jewry Today

Nosenko-Stein Elena

“Tell It to Your Children, and Their Children to Next Generation.” Cultural Memory of Russian Jewry Today

Москва, 2013, 576 p.

Legends and Traditions of Jerusalem

Nosenko Tatiana

Legends and Traditions of Jerusalem

Москва, 2013, 244 p.

Japanese War Prisoners in the USSR : 1945 – 1956.  Collection of Documents.

Editor: Gavrilov Viktor, Katasonova Elena

Japanese War Prisoners in the USSR : 1945 – 1956. Collection of Documents.

Москва, 2013, 784 p.

Changes in the Social Standard of Living in Buryatia (Russia), Mongolia and Inner Mongolia (China) at the End of 20 – Beg. of 21 Cent.

Grayvoronsky Vladimir
Еditor: Kruchkin Yuriy

Changes in the Social Standard of Living in Buryatia (Russia), Mongolia and Inner Mongolia (China) at the End of 20 – Beg. of 21 Cent.

Улан-Батор, 2013, 284 p.

Nature and Society in the Processes of Interactions

Editor: Kulpin-Gubaidullin Eduard

Nature and Society in the Processes of Interactions

Москва, 2013, 332 p.

Ideology and Practice of Modern Radical Islamism

Nechitaylo Dmitry

Ideology and Practice of Modern Radical Islamism

Москва, 2013, 418 p.

Articles of Different Years

Slesarchuk Galina
Editor: Orlova Keemia, Tsendina Anna, Chuluun Sampildonov

Articles of Different Years

Улан-Батор, 2013, 220 p.

“Book of Changes” and Working out of Meanings : Articles, Essays, Reports.

Eremeev Vladimir

“Book of Changes” and Working out of Meanings : Articles, Essays, Reports.

Москва, 2013, 583 p.

The strength and weakness of Pakistan

Moskalenko Vladimir, Topychkanov Petr

The strength and weakness of Pakistan

Москва, 2013, 75 p.