
The Situation in the Middle East and North Africa and its Development in the Near Future
Editor: Nikolaj Plotnikov
Author-compilator: Maksim Ushanov
Translator: Semyon Basinskix
Москва '2024

The situation in the Middle East and North Africa: current and potential problems of the region, possible ways to solve them
Editor: Nikolaj Plotnikov
Москва '2022

Non-military threats to global security and stability of international relations
Еditor: Nikolaj Plotnikov
Москва '2020

Foreign fighters in the ranks of terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq
Еditor: Ivan Mrkich, Nikolaj Plotnikov
Москва, Белград '2019

Liana Areshidze, Ivan Krupyanko, Mixail Krupyanko
The Art of Trading in Japanese-style : the Pursuit is not for Profit, but for the Hearts of Buyers. (Amazing Japan).
Москва '2016

Sergej Zelenko, V. Kuz`minov, Viktor Lebedinskij, Ya. Morozova, Raisa Noviczkaya, Yuliya Pronina, S. Czarenko
Underwater-archaeological Research in the South-Eastern Crimea in 2015. Sudak Archaeological Expedition
Феодосия '2016