Newsletter of Oriental Society. Supplement 7. Gaziz Gubaidullin and Formation of Soviet Oriental Studies in 1920 – 1930 : Materials of the Conference. Moscow, 2012
Compilator: Vasilyev Aleksandr, Vasilyev Dmitri, Kulpin-Gubaidullin Eduard
Москва, 2012, 76 p.
The 125th anniversary of the Tatar scholar, historian-orientologist, writer and teacher – Gaziz S. Gubaidullin was celebrated in 2012. Symposium dedicated to the memory of the scientist was held in Moscow and organized by the Institute of Oriental Studies (RAS) and Oriental Society of Russia with participation of Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan, Marjani Foundation and Moscow Islamic University. The materials of Symposium presented by the authors of reports are published in this Supplement to Newsletter of Oriental Society. All of them deal with studying of scientific biography and heritage of the scholar.
РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Бюллетень Общества востоковедов. Приложение 7. Газиз Губайдуллин и становление советского востоковедения в 1920 – 1930 гг. : материалы конференции, Москва, 2012 г.