PhD in History |

Sukhum Region of the Republic of Abkhazia: History and Modernity
Институт востоковедения РАНМосква, 2021, 312 p.
Другие работы автора:

ALLON. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Honored Scientist of the Republic of South Ossetia, Professor Yu. A. Dzitstsoyty: Collective monograph (Moscow, 2021; Tskhinval, 2021)
Editor: Aleksandr Skakov
Editor: Izabella Skakova
Москва, 2021, 206 p.

Abkhazia in World History and International Ralations. In Memory of Vladislav Grigor’evich Ardzinba. To the 70 th Anniversary of his Birth. Proceedings of the International Scientific Corference (Sukhum, May 14 – 17, 2015)
Еditor: Aleksandr Skakov
Институт востоковедения РАН Абхазский ин-т гуманитарных исслед. им. Д.И. Гулиа АН АбхазииМосква; Сухум, 2016, 736 p.

Historical and Cultural Heritage of Southern Russia. (Research and Practice Conference, Stavropol, 9 February 2015.)
Editor-in-chief: Aleksandr Kry`lov
Editor: B. Nakopiya, Aleksandr Skakov
Москва, 2015, 320 p.