Our books
Akimov Alexander, Yakovlev Alexander
Civilizations in the XXI Century : Problems and Perspectives for Development
Москва '2012
Askar Akaev, Korotayev Andrey, Aleksej Fomin
Dynamics of Global Inflation Pace: Regularities and Prognoses
Москва '2012
The laws of the Great Ming Dynasty with the consolidated commentary and application regulations. Ch. 3.
Еditor: Stanislav Robert Kuchera
Translator: Nataliya Svistunova
Москва '2012
India – Tibet : Text and Cultural Phenomena : Roerich Readings 2006 – 2010 at the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS
Еditor: Viktoriya Vertogradova
Compilator: Viktoriya Vertogradova
Москва '2012
Islamic Space Bordering on the Caucasus and Central Asia
Еditor: Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav, Ul'chenko Nataliya
Москва '2012
Berber Anthology. Cultural Anthropology and Samples of Tuareg Folklore
Еditor: Prozhogina Svetlana
Compilator: Prozhogina Svetlana
Москва '2012