Our books

Antoshin Alexei, Astafieva Ekaterina, Garin Artyom, Arina Lebedeva, Nikolaj Mikluxo-Maklaj, Pale Sofia, Filipp Xanin
Russia and Oceania: New Challenges and Prospects. On the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Fiji: Conference Proceedings
Editor: Astafieva Ekaterina
Москва '2024

Russia and Persia in the struggle for the Caspian Sea (XVIII century)
Editor: Mamedova Nina
Москва '2024

Lebedinski Victor, Xassan Marvan
Results of Research of the International Syrian-Russian Underwater Archaeological Expedition in the Waters of the Tartus Province of the Syrian Arab Republic in the 2021-2022 season
Editor: Pronina Yulia
Москва '2023

Russia’s policy on the southern borders (to the 100th anniversary of the treaties with Iran, Afghanistan and Turkey)
Editor: Mamedova Nina
Москва '2022

Aristova Lyudmila, Semenova Nelli
Russia and China in Eurasia: transport dimensions of security
Еditor: Salitsky Alexander
Москва '2021

RUSSIAN-INDONESIAN COOPERATION: Past, Present and Development Prospects
Еditor: Astafieva Ekaterina, Kanaev Evgeniy
Москва '2020