Our books
Egypt in the Eyes of Russians of XV – XVIII Cent. A Collection of Walks.
Еditor: Kormysheva Eleonora
Compilator: Belyakov Vladimir
Москва '2013
Sketchbook on Military-technical Cooperation between China and the USSR and Russia in the 2nd Half of the 20th Century (with Translation of Selected Fragments from Memoirs by General-colonel Liu Huaqing).
Еditor: Kobzev Artem
Москва '2013
Global Future in 2045. Converging Technologies (NBICS) and Transhumanistic Evolution.
Editor: David Dubrovskij
Москва '2013
Looking at Each Other… Russia and Arab World: Mutual Perception. (Collection of Articles.)
Еditor: Smilianskaya Irina
Compilator: Romanova Natalya, Smilianskaya Irina, Filonik Aleksandr
Москва '2013
Vertyaev K., Zhigalina Olga, Ivanov Stanislav
Political Processes in Kurdish Areas of Western Asian Countries (Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Iran).
Еditor: Zhigalina Olga
Москва '2013
Corpus of Turkic Runic Inscriptions in South Siberia. P. 1. Ancient Turkic Epigraphy of the Altaic Region
Астана '2013