Our books
Human and History in the Digital Age: A Multidimensional Approach
Editor: Sledzevski Igor
Москва '2023
The History of the Caucasian Albanian Church According to Moses Kalankatuatsi
Editor: Ravandi-Fadai Lana
Editor: Konstantin Sajmon
Москва '2021
Nelli Leshhenko, Polkhov Svyatoslav, Rodin Stepan, Streltsov Dmitry, Shulatov Yaroslav
History of Japan : Students Textbook for Higher Education Institutes. Second edition. Revised and expanded
Editor: Streltsov Dmitry
Москва '2018
Hisrory of Oriental Studies: Traditions and Modernity
Editorial Board: Vanina Eugenia, Zakharov Anton, Kostyrkin Alexander, Kuznetsov Vasily, Kulikov Andrey, Mileev Dmitry
Еditor: Il`dar Minyazhetdinov
Editorial Board: Il`dar Minyazhetdinov, Panarin Sergey
Еditor: Pakhomova Maria
Editorial Board: Pakhomova Maria, Nataliya Safonova, Fomicheva Elena, Frangulian Lilia
Reviewer: Sarabyev Alexey, Sharafetdinova Alina
Москва '2018
History of the Arab States of Arabian Peninsula (Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman) in the 20 th cent. and in the Beginning of the 21 st cent.
Москва '2016
Zaitsev Ilya, Kadyrbaev Alexandr, Sultanov T., Syzdykova Zhibek
History the Central Asia : Study Cuide. Vol. 1. 2nd enlarged ed.
Editor: Meyer Mihail, Syzdykova Zhibek
Москва '2015
Historical and Cultural Heritage of Southern Russia. (Research and Practice Conference, Stavropol, 9 February 2015.)
Editor-in-chief: Aleksandr Kry`lov
Editor: B. Nakopiya, Aleksandr Skakov
Москва '2015