Our books
Russia and Japan in Search of Amity (1905 – 1945). Geopolitics. Diplomacy. People and Ideas.
Москва '2012
Afghanistan and Pakistan: current state and perspectives of development
Еditor: Marianna Arunova
Москва '2012
Withdrawal of International Coalition Troops from Afghanistan and Central Asia // Otsenki i Idei. Newsletter of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. Vol. 1, № 2, August 2012
Москва '2012
New Research in Archaeology and Epigraphy of South Arabia and its Neighbors. Proceedings of the “Rencontres sabéennes 15” Held in Moscow, May 25th – 27th, 2011.
Editor: Sedov Alexander
Preface: Sedov Alexander
Москва '2012
Russia Between West and East = Ruś między Zachodem i Wschodem
Editor: Pietkiewicz Krzysztof
Translator: Wojtkowiak Jakub
Москва '2012