Our books
Eastern Countries in the Context of Modern World Processes : Social-Political, Economical, Ethno-confessional and Socio-cultural Problems
Compilator: Bibikova Olga, Tsvetkova Nina
Москва '2013
Comparative Culturology : In Search of a Starting Point. Scientific Pa-pers of the Department of Comparative Culturology of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS
Еditor: Kutsenkov Petr
Compilator: Kutsenkov Petr
Москва '2013
Xinhai Revolution and Republican China : a Century of Revolutions, Evolution and Modernization. Collection of Articles
Еditor: Golovachev Valentin
Москва '2013
Sinologists of the World to the Jubilee of Stanislav Kuczera. Collection of Works
Еditor: Anatolij Vyatkin
Compilator: Dmitriev Sergey
Москва '2013
Isaev Vladimir, Seyranyan Bagrat, Filonik Aleksandr
Formation of Arabian Monarchies Statehood (Historical Background and Modernization Trends).
Москва '2013
Market and Social Problems : Oriental Countries and Russia. Collection of Articles
Editor: Landa Robert, Tsvetkova Nina
Москва '2013
Pisarevskaya D., Khanin Vladimir (Ze’ev), Epstein Alek D.
Post-Soviet Jewish Youth: Ethnic Identity, Community Life and Connections with Israel
Москва '2013