Our books
Third Abkhazian International Archaeological Conference: Problems of Ancient and Midiaeval Archaeology of Caucasus
Еditor: Majya Kashuba, Aleksandr Skakov
Сухум '2013
The Transformation and Conflicts in Central Asia and in the Caucasus
General Editor: Peter Linke, Naumkin Vitaly
Еditor: Alikberov Alikber, Zvyagelskaya Irina
Москва '2013
The Rival of Chingiz-khan: Khorezmshah Jalal ad-Din Mankburni, Personality and Epoch
Еditor: Kadyrbaev Alexandr
Москва '2013
Tataric Shamail: Word and Image
Еditor: Igor` Alekseev, Bobrovnikov Vladimir, Filatova Maria
Compilator: Igor` Alekseev, Bobrovnikov Vladimir, Filatova Maria
Москва '2013
The Russians in Vietnam. Essays and Travel Notes (19 – the beg. of 20 cent.)
Compilator: Sokolov Anatoly
Москва, Ханой '2013
Russia’s Interests in Central Asia : Content, Perspectives, Limitations
Editor-in-chief: Ivanov Igor
Москва '2013
Nonlinear Futures: Mega-History, Complexity Theory, Anthropology & Psychology for Global Forecasting
Москва '2013
Ananieva Elena, Lyudmila Baby`nina, Dunaev A., Margarita Klyuchnikova, Dmitrij Kondratov, Vasilij Smirnov, Aleksandr Te`vdoj-Burmuli
Economy, Society and Power in the Countries of European Union : Tri-angle of Crisis. Report № 2 of the Center for Political Systems and Cultures
Compilator: Dunaev A.
Москва '2013