Our books
Tunisian Elegy. Dialogue Between East and West in Works of French-speaking Writers of the 20th – 21st Cent.
Москва '2016
History of the Arab States of Arabian Peninsula (Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman) in the 20 th cent. and in the Beginning of the 21 st cent.
Москва '2016
Information and Communication Technologies in Asian Countries : ICT Goods and IT-services Production and Exports
Еditor: Ul'chenko Nataliya
Москва '2016
Abkhazia in World History and International Ralations. In Memory of Vladislav Grigor’evich Ardzinba. To the 70 th Anniversary of his Birth. Proceedings of the International Scientific Corference (Sukhum, May 14 – 17, 2015)
Еditor: Aleksandr Skakov
Москва; Сухум '2016
Pakistan, South Asia, Islamic World, the East. Selected Publications (2008 – 2016)
Еditor: Naumkin Vitaly
Москва '2016
Under the Skies of South Asia. Territory and Belonging: Geopolitical Construction, Human Agency and the Perception of Places
General Editor: Glushkova Irina
Еditor: Bochkovskaya Anna
Москва '2016
Rural Community : A Novel Inserted into History. Critical Analysis of the Theories of Community, the Historical Evidence of its Development and Role in Stratified Society
Москва '2016
Islamophobia: From Confrontation to Cooperation, the Task Ahead
Translator: I. Polyanicheva
Москва '2016
Manuscripts and Lithographic Publications of the Works by Ali-Shir Nava’i in Moscow Collections
Compilator: Zaitsev Ilya
Москва '2016