Our books
Orientalistica Iuvenile. Collection of Scientific Articles by Young Researchers of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. IV
Editorial Board: Alpatov Vladimir, Anikeeva Tatiana, Vasilyev Aleksandr, Kozha Ksenia, Maryasis Dmitriy, Molodyakova Elgena
Compilator: Vasilyev Aleksandr
Москва '2015
Power and Society in South-East Asia. History and Modernity. Proceedings of the Conference in Memory of Alexander Gouber (1902 – 1971). Issue 4.
General Editor: Igor` Aby`lgaziev
Еditor: Bektimirova Nadezhda, Lipilina Irina
Editor: Suchkov Grigory
Москва '2015
Zaitsev Ilya, Kadyrbaev Alexandr, Sultanov T., Syzdykova Zhibek
History the Central Asia : Study Cuide. Vol. 1. 2nd enlarged ed.
Editor: Meyer Mihail, Syzdykova Zhibek
Москва '2015
Studies in General and Oriental Linguistics 2015. Language. Society. History of Science. 70th Anniversary Festschrift in Honor of RAS Professor V.M. Alpatov. Conference Proceedings. Insitute of Oriental Studies, 22-23 April 2015. Volume 1
Еditor: Zoya Shalyapina
Editor: Zverev Alexey, Anna Panina
Москва '2015
“I am Glad that I has Become a Mongolist.” On the 85th Anniversary of S.K. Roshchin
Editor-compilator: Elena Bojkova, Khishigt Norovsambuu
Москва; Улаанбаатар '2015
Russian and Israeli Outlooks on Current Developments in the Middle East. Conference Proceedings. Memorandum № 147. June 2015.
Editor: Karasova Tatiana, Magen Czvi
Тель-Авив '2015
The role of the Islamic factor in the sociology-political development of Arab countries and its evolution in terms of the Syrian uprising. (90th XX - beginning of XXI.)
Москва '2015