Lebedinski VictorPhD in History |
Lebedinski Victor, Xassan Marvan
Results of Research of the International Syrian-Russian Underwater Archaeological Expedition in the Waters of the Tartus Province of the Syrian Arab Republic in the 2021-2022 season
Editor: Pronina Yulia
Москва, 2023, 270 p.
Xammud Alaa, Viktor Dvuxsherstnov, Lebedinski Victor, Xassan Marvan, Dmitrij Tatarkov
Underwater archaeological research of a joint Syrian-Russian archaeological expedition in the waters of Tartous and the islands of Arwad of the Syrian Arab Republic in 2019
Еditor: Pronina Yulia
Reviewer: Proussakov D., Saad Xumam
Москва, 2020, 200 p.