Our books

Timokhin Dmitry, Tishin Vladimir
Essays on the history of Khorezm and East Desht -i Kipchak in XI-early XIII centuries
Москва '2018

Russian Sinology – Oral History. Vol. 1.
Еditor: Golovachev Valentin
Editor: Kobzev Artem
Москва '2018

Orlovskaya Orlovskaya, Sanzheev Garma, Shevernina Zoya
An etymological dictionary of indecomposable (root) words of Mongol languages
Еditor: Sanzheev Garma
Editor-compilator: Kontsevich Lev, Leman Yana, Valentin Rassadin
Москва '2018

as-Sa‛alibi Abu Mansur, Anna Dolinina
Sparkles of the knowledges
Еditor: Belova Anna
Translator: Vladimir Polosin
Москва '2018

Vetokhov Sergey, Kormysheva Eleonora, Lebedev Maxim, Malykh Svetlana
Giza. Eastern Necropolis IV
Еditor: Androsov Valery
Москва '2018

Asian and African countries in the XXI century: economic development and scientific progress
Еditor: Akimov Alexander, Deryugina Irina
Compilator: Rastyannikova Elizaveta
Москва '2018