Our books

Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS, issue 22
Еditor: Filonik Aleksandr
Editor-compilator: Rudenko Lyudmila, Zoya Solov`eva
Москва '2019

Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, issue 25: The BogdGegeen Institution in the History of Mongolia.
Еditor: Batsaikhan Ookhnoin, Kuzmin Sergius
Москва '2019

BRICS on the eve of the fourth industrial revolution: mining, oil and gas industry
Еditor: Akimov Alexander
Москва '2019

Papers of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS. Issue 24
Еditor: Tatyana Zagorodnikova
Москва '2019

Papers of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS. Issue 26
Еditor: Kuzmin Sergius, Shaumyan Tatiana
Москва '2019

Foreign fighters in the ranks of terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq
Еditor: Mrkić Ivan, Plotnikov Nikolay
Москва, Белград '2019