Our books
Under the Skies of South Asia. Shame and Pride: the Preliminaries of Emotional Standards and Practices
Editor: Glushkova Irina
General Editor: Glushkova Irina
Москва '2021
Xammud Alaa, Viktor Dvuxsherstnov, Lebedinski Victor, Xassan Marvan, Dmitrij Tatarkov
Underwater archaeological research of a joint Syrian-Russian archaeological expedition in the waters of Tartous and the islands of Arwad of the Syrian Arab Republic in 2019
Еditor: Pronina Yulia
Reviewer: Proussakov D., Saad Xumam
Москва '2020
Under the Skies of South Asia. Censure and Praise: Communicative Modalities of Historical and Cultural Specificity
General Editor: Glushkova Irina
Еditor: Vanina Eugenia
Москва '2017
Zelenko S., Kuzminov V., Lebedinski Victor, Morozova Y., Novitskaia R., Pronina Yulia, Tsarenko S.
Underwater-archaeological Research in the South-Eastern Crimea in 2015. Sudak Archaeological Expedition
Феодосия '2016
Zelenko S., Kuzminov V., Lebedinski Victor, Morozova Y., Novitskaia R., Pronina Yulia, Tsarenko S.
Underwater-archaeological Research in the South-Eastern Crimea in 2014. Sudak Archaeological Expedition
Феодосия '2016
Under the Skies of South Asia. Territory and Belonging: Geopolitical Construction, Human Agency and the Perception of Places
General Editor: Glushkova Irina
Еditor: Bochkovskaya Anna
Москва '2016
Under the Skies of South Asia. Mobility and Space: In Quest of Meanings Beyond Stasis
General Editor: Glushkova Irina
Еditor: Sidorova Svetlana
Москва '2015
Areshidze Liana, Krupyanko Ivan, Krupyanko Mikhail
Upbringing in Japanese Style : 63 Rules of Japanese Mummies
Москва '2014