Our books

as-Sa‛alibi Abu Mansur, Anna Dolinina
Sparkles of the knowledges
Еditor: Belova Anna
Translator: Vladimir Polosin
Москва '2018

South-East Asia : Relevant Problems of Development. Ideology, His-tory, Culture, Policy, Economy. Issues XXXIV – XXXV (SEA 2016 – 2017)
Editor-in-chief: Dmitry Mosyakov
Editor: Astafieva Ekaterina
Москва '2017

Society and State in China. Vol. ХLVII, Part 1
Editor-in-chief: Kobzev Artem
Executive secretary: Sergej Blyumxen
Москва '2017

Society and State in China. Vol. XLVI, Part 2.
Editor-in-chief: Kobzev Artem
Еditor: Kobzev Artem
Editor: Sergej Blyumxen
Compilator: Kobzev Artem
Москва '2016

South-East Asia : Relevant Problems of Development. Ideology, History, Culture, Policy, Economy. Issues XXXII – XXXIII (SEA 2015 – 2016)
Editor-in-chief: Dmitry Mosyakov
Editor: Astafieva Ekaterina
Москва '2016

“The Sick Person” in the Epoch of Wars and Revolutions. The Emage of Turkey in the Russian Magazine Satire, 1908 – 1918
Москва '2016

South-East Asia : Relevant Problems of Development. Ideology, History, Culture, Policy, Economy. Issues XXX – XXXI (SEA 2015 – 2016)
Editor-in-chief: Dmitry Mosyakov
Editor: Astafieva Ekaterina
Москва '2016

Studies in General and Oriental Linguistics 2015. Language. Society. History of Science. 70th Anniversary Festschrift in Honor of RAS Professor V.M. Alpatov. Conference Proceedings. Insitute of Oriental Studies, 22-23 April 2015. Volume 2
Еditor: Zoya Shalyapina
Editor: Zverev Alexey, Anna Panina
Москва '2016