Pogibenko TamaraDepartment of Asian and African languages, senior researcherPhD in Philology |
Aleksandr Efimov, Pogibenko Tamara
Materials of the Russian-Vietnamese Linguistic Expedition. The Ma Language
Институт востоковедения РАНМосква, 2020, 504 p.
Austroasiatic languages: problems of grammatical reconstruction
Еditor: Alpatov Vladimir
Москва, 2013, 455 p.
"Materials of the Russian-Vietnamese Linguistic Expedition". Ruc language
Восточная литератураМосква, 2001, 606 p.
"Materials of the Russian-Vietnamese Linguistic Expedition". Ksingmul language
Восточная литература НаукаМосква, 1990, 419 p.