Our books
Armed Forces of Kazakhstan and National Security of the Republic
Еditor: Aleksandrov Yuriy
Москва '2008
Be Acquainted with Famous China Tea. (The Essay on Tea-growing and Guid-book of Species, Sorts and Brends of China Tea.)
Москва '2008
Oriental Studies 2008. Theses of the Reports to Sci-entific Conference, 8–10 October 2008
Compilator: Anna Panina
Москва '2008
The East as a Subject of Economic Researches : Es-says, Articles, Elaborations
Еditor: A. Petrov
Compilator: A. Petrov
Москва '2008
Vinogradova N., Ranov V., Filimonova T.
The Monuments of Kangurttut in South-Western Tajikistan (Late Stone and Bronze Ages)
Еditor: Boris Litvinskij
Москва '2008