Our books
History of China Since the Most Ancient Times Till the beg. of XXI Cent. : In 10 vol. Vol. VI : Qing Dynasty (1644–1911).
Editor-in-chief: Sergej Tixvinskij
Еditor: Nepomnin Nepomnin
Москва '2014
Moskalenko Vladimir, Topychkanov Petr
RUSSIA AND PAKISTAN. Shared Challenges and Common Opportunities
Москва '2014
State, society, international relations in the Muslim East
Еditor: Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav, Ul'chenko Nataliya
Москва '2014
Historical and spiritual relations between Tibet and Russia, India and Mongolia
Compilator: Kuzmin Sergius, Shaumyan Tatiana
Москва '2014
The history of international relations between Iran and Russia (XIX - early XX century)
Еditor: Mamedova Nina
Москва '2014
Mamedova Nina, Ul'chenko Nataliya
Economy of Iran and Turkey Today. Has Islam an Impact on the Choice of Model of Development?
Saarbruken (Германия) '2014
Aristova Lyudmila, Lifan` Li, Sergej Luzyanin, Dave`j Pan, Semenova Nelli, Yunsyan Sun`, Tomberg Igor, Czzyan`zhun Chzhan, Yujli Yan
Potential and Prospects of Collaboration Between People’s Republic of China and Russian Federation in the Sphere of Traditional and Non-conventional Energy
General Editor: Dave`j Pan, Tomberg Igor
Еditor: Sergej Luzyanin
Compilator: Semenova Nelli
Москва '2014
Aristova Lyudmila, Semenova Nelli
Energy (Hydrocarbon) Projects in Central Asia : Potential Risks end Probability of Increased Competition Between Russia and China
Еditor: Salitsky Alexander
Москва '2014
Ancient Indian Painting According to the Citrasūtra from the Viṣṇudharmottarapurāṇa (Theory and Techniques)
Москва '2014