Our books
Axmad ad-Dar`xi, Isa ad-Dar`xi, Dmitrij Cherkashin
Soqotri Texts in the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences An Annotated Edition
General Editor: Naumkin Vitaly
Еditor: Kogan Leonid
United Kingdom '2015
Fawa’id ul-Fu’ad (1308–1322). The Speeches (Malfuzat) of the Shaikh of Order Chishti Nizamuddin Auliya Recorded by his Faithful Murid, Famous Persian Speaking Poet of India Amir Hasan Dehlewi. Book 1. Facsimile of the Manuscript Discovered in the Library of Maulan Azad (Aligarkh)
Москва '2015
Modern Japan Studies in Russia : Looking Back at the Path of a Quarter of Century
Editor: Streltsov Dmitry
Москва '2015
Nosenko Tatiana, Semenchenko Nina
The Vain Enmity The Story of the Soviet-Israeli Relations 1948-1991
Москва '2015