Our books
Kuzmin Sergius, Oyuunchimeg Jugdernamjilyn
Uprising Against Socialism in 1932 in Mongolia
Еditor: Batsaikhan Ookhnoin
Улан-Батор '2014
Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan and Interests of Russia. Ethnosocial and Economic Policy of Central Asian Republics and Russian Geopolitical Interests
Saarbrücken (Германия) '2014
Under the Skies of South Asia. Portrait and Sculpture: Territories, Ideologies and Ethnicities as Viewed through Material Objects
General Editor: Glushkova Irina
Еditor: Prokofieva Irina
Москва '2014
US Concept of “Greater Middle East” and National Tragedies in the Middle East
Еditor: Khazanov Anatoliy
Москва '2014
Unknown Pages of Oriental Studies in Russia. Issue 4.
Compilator: Naumkin Vitaly, Romanova Natalya, Smilianskaya Irina
Москва '2014
Unknown Aspects of 200-years History of Japanese-Russian Relations
Translator: Yoko Nagosi
Токио '2013
The Uighurs of Eastern Turkestan and Their Neighbours in Late 19-th and Early 20-th Centuries. Studies on their historical and cultural relations
Москва '1990