Our books
Transactions of the Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies
General Editor: Naumkin Vitaly
Еditor: Yakovlev Alexander
Москва '2015
Teheran. The Life on the Eve : Mid. of 70s of 20th Century. Analytical Essays and Sketches.
Еditor: Khazanov Anatoliy
Москва '2015
Turkey on the Parth to Regional Leadership. To 90th Anniversary of Turkish Republic. A Collection of Articles
Еditor: Ul'chenko Nataliya
Compilator: Shlykov Pavel
Москва '2015
Tunisia – 2015. Signs of Forthcoming Disaster. // Otsenki i Idei. Newsletter of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. Vol. 1, № 6, August 2015
Москва '2015
The Third International Scientific Conference “Archival Branch in Oriental Studies”. Moscow, November 12 – 14, 2014. Program. Abstracts of the Reports. List of Participants.
Еditor: Belyakov Vladimir
Москва '2014
Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav, Ruslan Sikoev
Taliban Movement and Perspectives of Afghanistan and Pakistan
Москва '2014
Theoretical Grammar of Mongolian and the Related Problems of General Linguistics: In 6 Parts: Part 2. Structural-probabilistic Model of Modern Mongolian (on the Basis of the General Corpus of Modern Mongolian).
Москва '2014
Eremeev Vladimir, Kobzev Artem
Traditional Science in China : Students Manual. Vol. 1. Methodological Sciences : Protologic, Numerology, and Mathematics. Book 1. General Parts.
Москва '2014
Golovachev Valentin, Molodiakov Vassili
Taiwan Under the Japanese Rule: Russian Language Sources and Studies. Analytical Review.
Еditor: Molodyakova Elgena
Москва '2014