Our books

The People of Middle Asia in the 3–6th Centuries (Based on Ancient Chinese and Western Sources)
Москва '2008

Pave a Way to India by Learning Its Languages. In memoriam A.T. Aksenov
Еditor: Glushkova Irina
Москва '2008

Irina Zhmujda, Marina Morozova, Navaz Shax
Pakistan. Economic Disproportions and Regional Policy of the State
Москва '2007

Pakistan in the Contemporary World. The Collection of Articles
Еditor: Kamenev Sergey, Serenko Irina
Москва '2005

Pakistan, the States of South Asia and Middle East. Collection of Articles in Memoriam of Prof. Yuri V.Gankovsky
Еditor: Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav, Kamenev Sergey, Moskalenko Vladimir
Москва '2004