Our books
Iran in the Second Decade of the 21 st Century : Outlook and Challenges
Еditor: Mamedova Nina
Editor: Kameneva Marina, Fedorova Irina
Москва '2016
“I am Glad that I has Become a Mongolist.” On the 85th Anniversary of S.K. Roshchin
Editor-compilator: Elena Bojkova, Khishigt Norovsambuu
Москва; Улаанбаатар '2015
Immigrants from Muslim Countries in Europa : Ethno-confessional and Sociocultural Aspects
Editor: Landa Robert
Москва '2015
Israel. Historical Experience and Trends of Modern Development. Collection of Articles
Еditor: Karasova Tatiana
Москва '2015
India: Prospects of Modern Development. Water resources of India: Economic, Political and Social Perspectives
Editor: Rabei Sergey, Svinarchuk Taisia, Shaumyan Tatiana
Москва '2015
In Search of the Lost East : (Yu.N. Zavadovsky : Essay on the Life and Work. Autobiographical Novel.
Compilator: Zavadovskaya S.Yu., Smagina Eugenia
Москва '2014