Our books
General Stages of Iran Historical Development : Study Guide for Students of “Translation and Theory of Translation”, “Regional Studies” and “Culturology”
Москва '2014
Global Future in 2045. Converging Technologies (NBICS) and Transhumanistic Evolution.
Editor: David Dubrovskij
Москва '2013
The Gold of Sennar : Egypt and Sudan Through the Eyes of the Ural Master of Gold Mining in 19th Century
Еditor: Goriachkin Gennadiy
Москва '2013
Vetokhov Sergey, Kormysheva Eleonora, Malykh Svetlana
Giza. Eastern Necropolis II. The Minor Cemetery to the East from the Tomb G 7948
Москва '2012
Gott in seinem Tempel. Locale Züge und Ägyptische Entlehnungen in der geistigen Kultur des Alten Sudan
Москва '2010
Vetokhov Sergey, Kormysheva Eleonora, Malykh Svetlana
Giza. Eastern Necropolis I. The Tomb of Khafraankh G 7948.
Москва '2010