Our books
Archive of Chinese Studies in Russia. In 2 Vol. Volume 1.
Editor-in-chief: Anatolij Vyatkin
Compilator: Kobzev Artem
Москва '2013
Arabic, Persian and Turkish Manuscripts from the Collection of Mardjani Foundation. Catalogue of the Exhibition. (All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature, May 27 – 31, 2013)
Compilator: Zaitsev Ilya, Lasikova Galina, Filatova Maria
Москва '2013
Articles of Different Years
Editor: Orlova Keemia, Tsendina Anna, Chuluun Sampildonov
Улан-Батор '2013
Arab Countries of West Asia and North Africa. Proceedings of VII Conference. Collection of Articles
Еditor: Seyranyan Bagrat
Москва '2012
At Home, Abroad : Migrations of the Christians of Syria and Lebanon (the 2nd Half of 19th – 1st Half of 20th Centuries)
Еditor: Naumkin Vitaly
Москва '2012
Afghanistan and Pakistan: current state and perspectives of development
Еditor: Marianna Arunova
Москва '2012
Antiquy : Historical Knowledge and Specific Nature of Sources. Vol. 5
Еditor: Balakhvantsev Archil, Kolganova Galina
Москва '2011
Antiquy : Historical Knowledge and Specific Nature of Sources. Vol. 4
Еditor: Balakhvantsev Archil
Москва '2009
Armed Forces of Kazakhstan and National Security of the Republic
Еditor: Aleksandrov Yuriy
Москва '2008