Our books
Agricultural Problems and New Models of Economic Development in the East: Collective Monograph.
Editor: Deryugina Irina
Compilator: Deryugina Irina
Reviewer: Romanova Natalya, Yakovlev Alexander
Москва '2021
A Man made of Palladium: Life, Scientific, Missionary and Diplomatic Activities of P. I. (Palladius) Kafarov
Еditor: Kobzev Artem
Reviewer: Andreeva Svetlana, Golovachev Valentin
Москва '2020
All Roads Lead from Rome. Christian Missions in the Celestial Empire from the Nestorians (7th Century) to Pope Francis
Еditor: Vasilyev Dmitri
Москва '2020
The Age of Empires. Eastern Iran from Achaemenids to Sasanians: History, Archeology, Culture
Еditor: Balakhvantsev Archil, Makkaveev Nikolay
Москва '2019
Vetokhov Sergey, Kormysheva Eleonora, Lebedev Maxim, Malykh Svetlana
Abu Erteila. Excavation in Progress
Москва '2019
A History of Russo-Japanese Relations Over Two Centuries of Cooperation and Competition
Editor: Nobuo Shimotomai, Streltsov Dmitry
Boston '2019
Orlovskaya Orlovskaya, Sanzheev Garma, Shevernina Zoya
An etymological dictionary of indecomposable (root) words of Mongol languages
Еditor: Sanzheev Garma
Editor-compilator: Kontsevich Lev, Leman Yana, Valentin Rassadin
Москва '2018
Asian and African countries in the XXI century: economic development and scientific progress
Еditor: Akimov Alexander, Deryugina Irina
Compilator: Rastyannikova Elizaveta
Москва '2018