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Россия и Океания: новые вызовы и перспективы. К 50-летию установления дипломатических отношений между Российской Федерацией и Республикой Фиджи

Antoshin Alexei, Astafieva Ekaterina, Garin Artyom, Arina Lebedeva, Nikolaj Mikluxo-Maklaj, Pale Sofia, Filipp Xanin

Russia and Oceania: New Challenges and Prospects. On the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Fiji: Conference Proceedings

Editor: Astafieva Ekaterina

Москва '2024

The Situation in the Middle East and North Africa and its Development in the Near Future

The Situation in the Middle East and North Africa and its Development in the Near Future

Editor: Plotnikov Nikolay
Author-compilator: Ushanov Maxim
Translator: Semyon Basinskix

Москва '2024

Преподавание истории в странах Востока

Astafieva Ekaterina, Syue` Baj, X. Bayarma, Zuxra Berdigozhina, Aleksandr Voronczov, Golovachev Valentin, Din` Ngok Bao, Svetlana Dudarenok, Samat Eskaliev, Natal`ya Matveeva, Nguen Suan Chy`ong, Evgenij Nolev, Panarina Daria, Panarin Sergey, Perminova Vera, Daniil Romanenko, Rysakova P., Marina Czy`renova, Chzhan Czzyan`xua, Xue`jczin Chzhao, Tyan`ge` Chu

Teaching History in the Countries of the East

Editor: Panarin Sergey
Editor: Golovachev Valentin

Москва '2024

Бхопал: «туземное государство» в колониальной Индии

Vanina Eugenia


Москва '2024

Россия и Персия в борьбе за Каспий

Zaven Arabadzhyan

Russia and Persia in the struggle for the Caspian Sea (XVIII century)

Editor: Mamedova Nina

Москва '2024

The T-Stems in Soqotri

Mariya Bulax

The T-Stems in Soqotri

Лейден '2024

The Mekong: the regional challenges and possible solutions. International scientific and practical conference

Aleksandr Butko

The Mekong: the regional challenges and possible solutions. International scientific and practical conference

Editor: Plotnikov Nikolay

Москва '2024

Гиза. Восточный некрополь VI. Гробница Каиемнофрета (LG 63)

Vetokhov Sergey, Kormysheva Eleonora, Lebedev Maxim, Malykh Svetlana

Giza. Eastern Necropolis VI. The Tomb of Kaiemnofret (LG 63)

Editor: Kormysheva Eleonora

Москва '2024

Баоцзюань о трех воплощениях Муляня

Rostislav Berezkin

Baojuan of Mulian Rescuing His Mother during Three Rebirths

Еditor: Kobzev Artem

Москва '2024

«Остров имянем Фромоза»: этнополитическая история Тайваня. XVII–XXI вв.

Golovachev Valentin

An Island named Fromosa": Ethno-Political History of Taiwan. XVII–XXI c.

Editor: Dikarev Andrei

Москва '2024

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