Collections of articles
Pakistan, South Asia, Islamic World, the East. Selected Publications (2008 – 2016)
Еditor: Vitalij Naumkin
Москва '2016
Manuscripts and Lithographic Publications of the Works by Ali-Shir Nava’i in Moscow Collections
Compilator: Il`ya Zajczev
Москва '2016
Iran in the Second Decade of the 21 st Century : Outlook and Challenges
Еditor: Nina Mamedova
Editor: Marina Kameneva, Irina Fedorova
Москва '2016
Written monuments of the East: Problems of translation and interpretation
Еditor: Lyubov` Goryaeva
Москва '2016
East in the East, in Russia and in the West: cross-border migrations and diasporas
General Editor: Sergej Panarin
Editor: Sergej Panarin
Санкт-Петербург '2016
Orientalism vs. Orientology : Collection of Articles
Еditor: Vladimir Bobrovnikov, S. Miri
Москва '2016
Topics in General and Oriental Linguistics 2014. The World of Arabic Language. 90-th Anniversary of G.S. Sharbatov
Еditor: Zoya Shalyapina
Compilator: Andrej Blinov, Anna Panina
Москва '2016
Orientalistica Iuvenile. Collection of Scientific Articles by Young Researchers of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. IV
Editorial Board: Vladimir Alpatov, Tat`yana Anikeeva, Aleksandr Vasil`ev, Kseniya Kozha, Dmitrij Mar`yasis, E`l`gena Molodyakova
Compilator: Aleksandr Vasil`ev
Москва '2015
Studies in General and Oriental Linguistics 2015. Language. Society. History of Science. 70th Anniversary Festschrift in Honor of RAS Professor V.M. Alpatov. Conference Proceedings. Insitute of Oriental Studies, 22-23 April 2015. Volume 1
Еditor: Zoya Shalyapina
Editor: Aleksej Zverev, Anna Panina
Москва '2015