
Третья Абхазская международная археологическая конференция : проблемы древней и средневековой археологии Кавказа Третья Абхазская международная археологическая конференция : проблемы древней и средневековой археологии Кавказа

Third Abkhazian International Archaeological Conference: Problems of Ancient and Midiaeval Archaeology of Caucasus

Еditor: Majya Kashuba, Aleksandr Skakov

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Сухум, 2013, 396 p.

The presented book publishes the materials of the Third Abkhazian Interna-tional Archaeological Conference “Problems of Ancient and Mediaeval Ar-chaeology of Caucasus” (28 Nov. – 1 Dec. 2011, Sukhum), devoted to the memory of G.K. Shamba. The works of this prominent scientist are part of the golden fund of archaeological science of Caucasus and the whole Eurasia. The reports and papers not only develop on the modern level the trends of the researches which were included in academic interests of G.K. Shamba, but also present the newest archaeological findings. Debata-ble issues of Caucasian and Eurasian space archaeology are analysed too. Special attention is paid to the problems of protection of archaeological, cul-tural, and historical heritage. The book is meant for archaeologists, ethnog-raphers, historians, students, and a wide readership interested in the archaeology and history of Abkhazia, Caucasus and Eurasia as a whole.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Третья Абхазская международная археологическая конференция : проблемы древней и средневековой археологии Кавказа