
Египет глазами россиян XV – XVIII веков.  Сб. хожений Египет глазами россиян XV – XVIII веков. Сб. хожений

Egypt in the Eyes of Russians of XV – XVIII Cent. A Collection of Walks.

Еditor: Kormysheva Eleonora
Compilator: Belyakov Vladimir

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2013, 292 p.

The book includes the notes by Russian pilgrims and travelers who visited Egypt in XV – XVIII cent. The analysis of accumulation of different information on Egypt is made for the first time on the basis of the united and translated in the modern language of the texts. Our compatriots were interested not only in Christian monuments and holy places. They also described in their memoirs the climate, nature, fauna, agriculture, the way of life, and architectural monuments. Almost all the texts of this edition are parts of scientific publications of the end of 19th – beg. of 20th cent. This work is published on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the USSR and Egypt. The book is meant for Arabists and Egyptologists, as well as for all those who take interest in the history of Russian-Egyptian ties.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Египет глазами россиян XV – XVIII веков. Сб. хожений