
Цзинь, Пин, Мэй, или Цветы сливы в золотой вазе. В 4-х тт. :т. 4, кн. 1, 2 Цзинь, Пин, Мэй, или Цветы сливы в золотой вазе. В 4-х тт. :т. 4, кн. 1, 2

Jin Ping Mei, or The Plum in the Golden Vase: in 4 Vol. : Vol. 4, Books 1, 2

Еditor: Kobzev Artem

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Иркутск, Москва, 2016, 660 p.

Jin Ping Mei is the earliest (16 cent.) and most original author’s novel of Classical Chinese literature. For the first time it is fully published in Russian with a detail commentary, research articles, indexes, and 200 beautiful pictures to each Chapter from “Quing Art Palace” (1660 – 1680). These illustrations have their own artistic and scientific value. Academic translation of the full version of this novel takes into account the latest achievements of Sinology allowing a deeper understanding of very complex content, fine-spun form (a combination of prose, poetry and scientific world-outlook essays). The translation also helps to explain the mysterious origin of the novel (to this day unknown the name of author and initial meaning of the title). The Supplement for Book 1 contains the article of P.D. Hanan (translation by A.D. Dikariev), as well as the articles by V.S. Munukhin and B.L. Riftin. The Supplement for Book 2 includes the article by A.I. Kobzev, overview of personages, the course of events, index of historical and legendary persons, mythological and religious images, etc. The first 3 Volumes were published in Irkutsk in 1994 (ISBN 5-86149-004-X).

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Цзинь, Пин, Мэй, или Цветы сливы в золотой вазе. В 4-х тт. :т. 4, кн. 1, 2