
Аграрная Индия: парадоксы экономического роста. Вторая половина XX в. — начало XXI в. Аграрная Индия: парадоксы экономического роста. Вторая половина XX в. — начало XXI в.
Аграрная Индия: парадоксы экономического роста. Вторая половина XX в. — начало XXI в. Аграрная Индия: парадоксы экономического роста. Вторая половина XX в. — начало XXI в.

Viktor Rastyannikov

grarian India: Paradoxesof Economic Growth. Second Half of the 20th – Early 21st Century

Editor: Deryugina Irina

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2017, 166 p.

Dramatic economic growth in the agricultural sector on the backdrop of the
phenomenal achievements of the Indian economy in the early XXI century
are considered in the book. The processes of degradation and destruction of a
production chain in agriculture are studied under the influence of increasing
population pressure on natural resources. The marginalization of the
agricultural economic system; the fall in the rate of return of capital; the
decline in per capita food production; increased imbalances in the production
and distribution of commodity food; dispersion of agricultural markets is
studied in the beginning of the XXI century compared with the beginning of
the XX century. The Malthus’ “Law of population” is estimated to realities of
the XXI century.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Аграрная Индия: парадоксы экономического роста. Вторая половина XX в. — начало XXI в.