
Пакистан, Южная Азия, исламский мир, Восток. Избранные публикации 2008 – 2016 гг. Пакистан, Южная Азия, исламский мир, Восток. Избранные публикации 2008 – 2016 гг.
Пакистан, Южная Азия, исламский мир, Восток. Избранные публикации 2008 – 2016 гг. Пакистан, Южная Азия, исламский мир, Восток. Избранные публикации 2008 – 2016 гг.

Belokrenitsky Vyacheslav

Pakistan, South Asia, Islamic World, the East. Selected Publications (2008 – 2016)

Еditor: Naumkin Vitaly

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2016, 712 p.

The book contains the selected publications by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.Ya. Belokrenitsky. It is devoted to the history of the formation and particularities of the development of Pakistan, which is a key country of Asia, its foreign policy and influence on the situation in neighboring Afghanistan. The articles deal with the features of the evolution of postcolonial India and Pakistan, their relationship with each other, the current state of relations between Russia and these two leading countries of the South Asia. The author also analyses some aspects of present situation in Muslim countries, located along the perimeter of Southern borders of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Trends in the progressive development of the Eastern countries in the period after World War II are considered. The author formulated the assumptions about the probable future evolution of these trends. Demographic history of the Islamic world and the prospects for its future growth are scrutinized. Special attention is paid to the place and role of the East in the world political processes and modern international relations. The author in a new way takes up problems of the nation and nationalism in the East. He analyses the characteristics of power and formation of civil society, especially in the Muslim area, located to the South of the Caucasus and Central Asia. The proposed interpretation about the concept of the East and its regions is of great interest. The author’s attention to the demographic past and future of the Muslim world is explained by the desire to understand the reasons for the rapid growth of the Muslim population in the last century and at the beginning of this century. He attempts to give an objective assessment of this phenomenon. This publication sums up some results of the research and teaching work of V.Ya. Belokrenitsky. The book is timed to the 75th anniversary of his birth and 50th anniversary of scientific activity. It is published on the eve of the 200th anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Пакистан, Южная Азия, исламский мир, Восток. Избранные публикации 2008 – 2016 гг.