
Япония: консервативный поворот Япония: консервативный поворот
Япония: консервативный поворот Япония: консервативный поворот

Japan: turn to conservatism

General Editor: Molodyakova Elgena
Еditor: Seda Markar`yancz (Markar`yan), Molodyakova Elgena

Москва, 2015, 300 p.

At the present time strengthening of conservative tendencies in politics, eco-nomics, social and spiritual life is typical for most developed countries. It is called “turn to conservatism”. Japan, as one of key world powers, is no ex-ception. Therefore, the study of this phenomenon on the example of Japan is not only important, but necessary. Monograph written by the collective of leading Russian Japanologists contains a complex analysis of “turn to con-servatism” in modern Japan in the context of regional and world processes. The authors tried to show that the essence of conservatism is increasingly determined not only by “memories of the past”, but also by the comprehen-sion of the internal development of different spheres of life, in particular, of Japanese society. This publication is prepared for the 200th anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS.


Introduction (MolodyakovaE.V.) ........................................................ 30
Chapter 1. Faces of Japanese conservatism: past and present
(V. Molodyakov) ............................................................................ 31
Chapter 2. The Japanese conservatives way to total victory
(E. Molodyakova) ........................................................................ 47
Chapter 3. State infrastructure policy of “progressive conservatism”
(I. Timonina) ................................................................................. 71
Chapter 4. Agriculture: will adherence to conservative reforms remain?
(S. Markaryan) ............................................................................... 95
Chapter 5. Social welfare policy by conservatives
(I. Lebedeva) ................................................................................. 125
Chapter 6. Shinzo Abe Cabinet educational policy: conservatism or
response to the challenges of globalization? (S. Polkhov) ............ 148
Chapter 7. The 70th anniversary of the end of World War II and
Japan-China relations (P. Kulneva) .............................................. 166
Chapter 8. Historical memory as a foreign policy factor (on relations
between Japan and Republic of Korea) (V. Grinyuk) .................... 184
Chapter 9. The problem of “Siberian imprisonment” – as a historical
memory componentpart (E. Katasonova) ...................................... 203
Chapter 10. Security policy reforms by Abe Shinzo
(O. Dobrinskaya) .......................................................................... 218
Chapter 11. Abe Shinzo on «beautiful and new Japan»
(M. Gerasimova) .......................................................................... 249
Contributors ....................................................................................... 257

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Япония: консервативный поворот