
Марокканский ноктюрн (колониальное, постколониальное и современное Марокко в художественном творчестве франкоязычных писателей) Марокканский ноктюрн (колониальное, постколониальное и современное Марокко в художественном творчестве франкоязычных писателей)
Марокканский ноктюрн (колониальное, постколониальное и современное Марокко в художественном творчестве франкоязычных писателей) Марокканский ноктюрн (колониальное, постколониальное и современное Марокко в художественном творчестве франкоязычных писателей)

Prozhogina Svetlana

Moroccan Nocturne (Colonial, Postcolonial and Modern Morocco in Art Work of French-speaking Writers)

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2015, 532 p.

The book presents the work of great writers and poets of Morocco in 20th – 21st centuries (D. Shraybi, T. Bendzellun, A. Sefriui, M.A. Lahababy, A. Seyhan, A. Katibi, M. Hayreddin, M. Nissaburi, Z. Morsy, M. Loakira, and others). In their books, they depicted the life of their country on the eve of Independence, its postcolonial and modern social and spiritual system, which to this very day is burdened by the legacy of colonialism and the power of millenary traditions and prejudices. For the first time the author tells about the work of the French colonial writers-essayists – brothers Jean and Jérôme Tharaud. In their trilogy, they succeeded in recreating the life of ancient civilization that has not still lost its unique identity soon after the colonization of Morocco. A distinctive feature of work of Moroccan writers in the early modern and modern periods is waiting for the end of the colonial “night” and the beginning of social progress and political freedom. The Supplement contains the fragments from Moroccan trilogy by the Goncourt laureates – brothers Jean and Jérôme Tharaud – translated from French by Svetlana V. Prozhogina.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Марокканский ноктюрн (колониальное, постколониальное и современное Марокко в художественном творчестве франкоязычных писателей)