Syntaslar. Funeral Steles of the Nogay Steppe
Editor: Zakariyaev Z.
Compilator: Bobrovnikov Vladimir, Korenyako Vladimir
Москва, 2016, 672 p.
Nogais, living in the North-West Caspian region, the stone funeral steles call syntaslar. Thousands of syntaslar rise in cemeteries of the Nogay Steppe. Till now they almost have not attracted the attention of researchers. The book includes in the academic circulation about three hundred of Nogay funeral steles. They are interesting cultural monuments of one of the Muslim peoples of Russia. The earliest discovered syntaslar belong to the last quarter of the 18th century. This kind of monuments is preserved in the Nogay steppe up to 70 – 80s of the 20th century. The authors of this book consider the texts, form and ornament of syntaslar, images on them of various items related to both the Islamic religion of the Nogais, and clothes jewelry and occupations for men and women. Particular attention is paid to the inscriptions of 18th – 20th centuries, made mainly in literary Arabic. The book is intended not only for specialists, but also for a wide range of readers interested in the history and culture of Turkic Muslim peoples.
РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Сынтаслар. Намогильные стелы Ногайской степи