
Совершенный человек. Теология и философия образа Совершенный человек. Теология и философия образа

Совершенный человек. Теология и философия образа

Editor-compilator: Shukurov Sh.

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Москва, 1997, 448 p.


Preface 3


M. Yaglom. «What is Man, that thou art mindful of him?..» 13
S. Horujy. The concept of the Perfect Man in light of Hesychast Anthropology 41
Sh. Shukurov. The Perfect Man and Godhuman Idea of Islam 72
V. Podoroga. The Passion to the Light. The antropology of the Perfect Being. An observation on the philosophy of Descartes 111
V. Maliavin. The Perfect Man in Taosist tradition 146


O. Pavlova, A. Zubov. The actuality of Fallenness and paradigm of perfection 173
D. Shapira. The Perfect Man in Iranian tradition 213
T. Grigorieva. The Perfect Man according to Lao-tzu and Confucius 233
O. Genisaretski. Circling the heights. The antropological imagination
and the experience of perfectibility 261


A. Demidchik. Admonish to the Perfect. Preaching to the King Merikare the most ancient discourse on the Piety 291
E. Tiulina. The Man and principles of the Universe. A commentary to the Garuda-purana 310
R. Shukurov. Perfection, Mirror and Mystery. The treatise of the shaykh Mahmud Shabistari «The Mirror of the seekers of Truth» 331
T. Goriacheva. The one-faced image of Perfection. Kasimir Malevitch on the Perfect Man 368
Sima Zhen. On lasting in oblivion. Translation by V. Maliavin 406

Illustrations 433

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Совершенный человек. Теология и философия образа