
Иран в годы Второй мировой войны Иран в годы Второй мировой войны

Zaven Arabadzhyan

Iran during World War II

Editor: Mamedova Nina
Reviewer: Fedorova Irina, Filin Nikita

Москва, 2023, 253 p.

А distinguishing feature of this monograph is that the author focuses on almost all the aspects of life of the Iranian society of the period under investigation. Touching upon the Iranian foreign policy, he shows that the line of Reza Shah in the first two years of the war was changing depending on the situation on its fronts.
The main focus of the work are the internal political events in the country, the struggle for power between various groups of the national elite, and the attempts of the left forces to join this process. This study is the first one to analyze, on the basis of transcripts, the negotiations of Joseph Stalin with the Iranian Prime Minister Qavam os-Saltane and Princess Ashraf in 1946.
The monograph is written on the basis of а wide range of studies in Russian, Persian and English with extensive involvement of the Iranian press and materials from the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation and the Russian Center for the Storage and Study of Documents of Recent History.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Иран в годы Второй мировой войны