
Османское завоевание арабских стран (1516-1574) Османское завоевание арабских стран (1516-1574)

Ivanov Nicolay

The Ottoman conquest of the Arab countries 1516-1574

Москва, 2001, 287 p.

The second edition of N.A. Ivanov's book "The Ottoman conquest of the Arab countries. 1516-1574" (Moscow, 1984) is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist-orientalist. This large-scale work has no equal in Russian and foreign Ottoman studies in the breadth of coverage of factual material, depth and boldness of scientific analysis. Written in an excellent literary language and easy to read, the book is of interest not only for specialists, but also for the widest reader.
14. The monograph highlights the political history of Arab countries in the Renaissance, the external and internal prerequisites of the Ottoman conquest, the spread of Turkophilism in the Arab world, as well as the role of the Ottoman state in the struggle of Arab peoples against foreign enslavement. Based on extensive historiographical material, it tells about the fall of the Mamluk empire and the post-Almohad states of North Africa, their gradual incorporation into the Ottoman Empire.
The author sees the reason for this development of events in the notorious myth of the peasant "truth", which paved the way for the Ottoman weapons, and then the conquest of the Arab peoples in political and socio-cultural terms.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Османское завоевание арабских стран (1516-1574)