
Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 31 Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 31

Papers of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS. Issue 31

Tibetology and Buddhology at the Intersection of Science and Religion – 2020

Еditor: Kuzmin Sergius, Shaumyan Tatiana
Reviewer: Vanina Eugenia, Kashin Valeriy

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2021, 440 p.

This is publication of papers prepared by presentations at the online international conference organized on November 9–10, 2020, by the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. The articles are devoted to different issues of Buddhism, its interaction with education and science, problems of Buddhology, history and culture of Tibet and some other Buddhist countries, social and economic situation there, Tibet – Mongolian relations, as well as studies in some processes, phenomena and conceptions, known from Buddhist treatises, by modern physical and biomedical sciences. The book will be useful for historians, researchers of religions, sociologists and all who are interested in Buddhism.


Preface ...9
Telo Tulku Rinpoche. On the interaction between Buddhism and science ...11
S. V. Medvedev, J. A. Boytsova, Y. A. Bubeev, A. Y. Kaplan, E. V. Kokurina, A. E. Smoleevskiy, N. V. Syrov, L. V. Yakovlev, Y. S. Zhironkina, Telo Tulku Rinpoche, Tanzin Chhonden, Yeshi Dorje, Stanzin Lhakpa, Tenzin Lobsang, Kunga Lhundup, Ngawang Norbu, Lobsang Phuntsok, Lodoe Sangpo, Thupten Sherap, Tenzin Wangchuk. Physiological lab in Buddhist monastery. Why and how. ...19
J. A. Boytsova, E. V. Kokurina, Y. A. Bubeev, S. V. Medvedev. Approaches to objective evaluation of the meditation level during EEG recording. ...40
S. S. Averyanov. Buddhism as a science of the nature of the mind. Similarities and differences with modern views ...52
S. Alexandrov. Modern physics and shunyata: new analogies ...63
Hon- Shiang Lau. The genuine ‘China Version’ of Tibet’s History: Tibet was never part of China since antiquity ...81
Alex McKay. The Mandala of State: looking out from Lhasa ...134
Tsewang Dorji. Buddhism in the Indo- Tibetan borderland: Tibet’s relations with Mon- Tawang before 1914 ...156
T. L. Shaumyan. Events around Tibet at the beginning of the twentieth century in the mirror of Russian and foreign publications ...169
S. L. Kuzmin. Russian archival materials on the Qing ‘new policy’ in Tibet ...188
O. Batsaikhan. Buddhism and contemporary Mongolia: the 9th Bogd Javzandamba Khutukhtu ...214
B. L. Mitruev. Concerning the Sanskrit Inscription on the 8th Bogd Gegeen’s Seal of Mongolia ...240
S.- Kh. Syrtypova. About Zanabazar’s relationship with the 5th Dalai Lama and the 4th Panchen Lama (based on visual and written sources) ...255
B. Kitinov. The role of the titles bestowed by the Dalai Lama in the development of the Kalmyk statehood ...267
Yu. Yu. Erendzhenova. The signifi cance of Tibetan Buddhist culture for the development of the Kalmyk religious tradition ...282
Ch. K. Lamazhaa, U. P. Bicheldey, A. V. Mongush. History of the Tuvan Buddhist pilgrimage: the problem of sources ...294
A. A. Bazarov. Photos of Buddhist teachers: Tibetan monks and Buryat identity in the late 19th – early 20th centuries ...304
G. B. Korneev, A. H. Korneeva. Ten epithets of Buddha: features of translation into Chinese, Tibetan and Mongolian languages ...317
А. Terentyev. Another interpretation of Buddhist “Nominalism”? (About Sonam Thakchoe’s article. Prāsaṅgika’s Semantic Nominalism: Reality is Linguistic Concept.) ...335
S. Y. Lepekhov. Māyopamavada in Madhyamaka and it’s connection with Vijñānavāda ...350
E. S. Lepekhova. Philosophy of the Tendai school: the Interpretation by Yamada Etai (1895–1994) ...363
V. N. Badmaev, O. A. Maksimova. The idea and mission of a Buddhist university (based on interviews with teachers of the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute) ...379
M. K. Aubakirov. Application of scientific and philosophical thought in the system of modern education ...394
O. P. Gutenloher. Buddhist principle of natural development in the practice of school education ...399
S. Yu. Kuvaev. Sources of information about the religion and culture of Tibet in «The Mahatma Letters» ...407
List of authors ...436

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Труды Института востоковедения РАН. Вып. 31