
Материалы советско-вьетнамской лингвистической экспедиции 1979 года. Выпуск 4. Язык рук Материалы советско-вьетнамской лингвистической экспедиции 1979 года. Выпуск 4. Язык рук

Pogibenko Tamara

"Materials of the Russian-Vietnamese Linguistic Expedition". Ruc language

Москва, 2001, 606 p.

This issue of "Materials of the Russian-Vietnamese Linguistic Expedition" is dedicated to the description of an isolating language - the Ruc language, which belongs to the Viet-Muong group of the Austoasiatic languages. This work is based upon field materials of the 1986 session of the field work in Vietnam. Like all other issues the book consists of a linguistic essay that presents a whole system description of the language. This book also includes the field materials (thesaurus, diagnostic grammatical questionnaires). The description of this languages allows to give a more precise linguistic map of this region and make some corretions in the theory of general linguistics.
Previously three issues of the "Materials" were published: Laha language. M. 1986,; Muong language. M., 1987; Ksingmul language. M. 1990.

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Материалы советско-вьетнамской лингвистической экспедиции 1979 года. Выпуск 4. Язык рук