
Религия и общество на Востоке. Выпуск III Религия и общество на Востоке. Выпуск III

Religiia i obshchestvo na Vostoke. Issue III

Editor-in-chief: Sarabyev Alexey

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2019, 374 p.

The periodical of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.

For the full text, see:


TO THE READERS, or Endless Talk about the Study of the East...10
in search of common denominator To the fundamentals of the methodology for studying traditional communities of the East (extended transcript of the round table, IOS RAS, December 18, 2017)...22
Leonid ALAEV Was there a community? (Interview)...70
Aleksei SARABIEV Interfaith relations in the light of deprivation theory versions...85
Leonid MEDVEDKO Three circles of Russian Eurasianism in the dichotomy of the East–West...137
Veniamin POPOV Eurasian essence of the Russian civilization...154
thread of events – canvas of ideas Mahdi SALIHI, Mohammad MASJED-JAME‘I, Ahmad MOKRI Islamic-Christian dialogue in modern Iran: a problematic analysis...191
Ildar MINYAZHETDINOV Politics of the Vatican in the modern Islamic world: on the issue of the strategy of ecumenization of traditional Islam ...222
Historical retrospective
Sergey KUZMIN Buddhism and socialism: a comparative analysis of interactions in the USSR, TNR, Mongolia and the PRC...249
Elena LEPEKHOVA The religious aspect of the legitimization of the status of women empresses in the Far East (Wu Hou and Koken)...292
Ex principiis / From sources
Lebanese society through the eyes of the Maronite Patriarch Boulos Meoushi: two reports of Swiss ambassadors to Beirut Preparation, translation and comments by Aleksei SARABIEV...328
about authors...354
in the past issues...370

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Религия и общество на Востоке. Выпуск III