
Восточная аналитика. Вып. 1, 2015 Восточная аналитика. Вып. 1, 2015

Eastern Analytics. Issue 1, 2015

Еditor: Akimov Alexander

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2016, 94 p.

This Issue of the almanac includes the articles in Russian and their translations into English. The authors analyse such problems as: battle for Levant; benefit for both countries from Russia-Israel cooperation in Hi-Tech and R&D; fisheries and aquaculture of the BRICS in the World economy. The article about Syrian campaign of Russia is published without English version. Two articles by M. Borisov are published only in English. The first article deals with Eastern countries in the context of World energy trends. The second one is devoted to India-Russia-China trilateral on peace and stabilization of Afghanistan (Moscow, June 29–30, 2015).

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Восточная аналитика. Вып. 1, 2015