
Проблемы общей и востоковедной лингвистики 2014. В мире арабского языка. К 90-летию со дня рождения Г.Ш. Шарбатова. Проблемы общей и востоковедной лингвистики 2014. В мире арабского языка. К 90-летию со дня рождения Г.Ш. Шарбатова.
Проблемы общей и востоковедной лингвистики 2014. В мире арабского языка. К 90-летию со дня рождения Г.Ш. Шарбатова. Проблемы общей и востоковедной лингвистики 2014. В мире арабского языка. К 90-летию со дня рождения Г.Ш. Шарбатова.

Topics in General and Oriental Linguistics 2014. The World of Arabic Language. 90-th Anniversary of G.S. Sharbatov

Еditor: Zoya Shalyapina
Compilator: Blinov Andrey, Anna Panina

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, 2016, 184 p.

The papers collected in this volume were presented at the conference celebrating the 90-th birthday of Grigory Sharbatov, a noted scholar of Arabic, who had worked at the Department of Asian and African languages of the Institute of Oriental Studies. The volume includes some memoirs about G.Sharbatov, and works that develop his research in Arabic dialects, sociolinguistics, grammar and comparative linguistics


Selected bibliography of G.S.Sharbatov
Shalyapina Z.M. The 90-th Anniversary of G.S. Sharbatov
Sharbatova A.G. Among Friends and Colleagues. A Multifaceted Memoir
Finkelberg N.D. G. Sharbatov – the Lexicographer and Teacher
Sharafutdinova R.S. G. Sharbatov. In Memoriam.
Historical Studies
Belova A.G. Old Arabic Roots in the Modern Arabic: Semantic and Morphological Derivation
Stolbova O.V. The Importance of Arabic Parallels in Chadic Etymologies
Phonetics And Morphology
Krylov A.A. Voicing as a Non-Verbal Factor in Russian and Arabic Speech
Lebedev V.V. A Road Map for Arabic Tenses
Sociolinguistics And Pragmatics
Blinov A.A. Arabic Language in Djibouti
Krylov A.Yu. Arabic Rhetoric Devices in Influential Speech
Mishkurov E.N. Ethno-Psycholinguistic Consciousness in Researching the Modern Spoken Arabic
Chuprygina L.A. Maltese Language – from an Arabic Dialect to a National Language
Shamraev N.A. “Hajj” Terminology in the Arabic Worldview

РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Проблемы общей и востоковедной лингвистики 2014. В мире арабского языка. К 90-летию со дня рождения Г.Ш. Шарбатова.